/************************************************************************************************** Phyplus Microelectronics Limited confidential and proprietary. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT: All rights of this software belong to Phyplus Microelectronics Limited ("Phyplus"). Your use of this Software is limited to those specific rights granted under the terms of the business contract, the confidential agreement, the non-disclosure agreement and any other forms of agreements as a customer or a partner of Phyplus. You may not use this Software unless you agree to abide by the terms of these agreements. You acknowledge that the Software may not be modified, copied, distributed or disclosed unless embedded on a Phyplus Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) integrated circuit, either as a product or is integrated into your products. Other than for the aforementioned purposes, you may not use, reproduce, copy, prepare derivative works of, modify, distribute, perform, display or sell this Software and/or its documentation for any purposes. YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL PHYPLUS OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES BE LIABLE OR OBLIGATED UNDER CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, CONTRIBUTION, BREACH OF WARRANTY, OR OTHER LEGAL EQUITABLE THEORY ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR EXPENSES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS OR LOST DATA, COST OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS, TECHNOLOGY, SERVICES, OR ANY CLAIMS BY THIRD PARTIES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY DEFENSE THEREOF), OR OTHER SIMILAR COSTS. **************************************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* Filename: ll.h Revised: Revision: Description: This file contains the Link Layer (LL) API for the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Controller. It provides the defines, types, and functions for all supported Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) commands. This API is based on the Bluetooth Core Specification, V4.0.0, Vol. 6. *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef LL_H #define LL_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /******************************************************************************* * INCLUDES */ #include "bcomdef.h" #include "timer.h" #include "ll_def.h" /******************************************************************************* * MACROS */ // check if connection parameter ranges for CI (min/max), SL, and LSTO are valid #define LL_INVALID_CONN_TIME_PARAM( ciMin, ciMax, sl, lsto ) \ (((ciMin) < LL_CONN_INTERVAL_MIN) || \ ((ciMin) > LL_CONN_INTERVAL_MAX) || \ ((ciMax) < LL_CONN_INTERVAL_MIN) || \ ((ciMax) > LL_CONN_INTERVAL_MAX) || \ ((ciMax) < (ciMin)) || \ ((sl) > LL_SLAVE_LATENCY_MAX) || \ ((lsto) < LL_CONN_TIMEOUT_MIN) || \ ((lsto) > LL_CONN_TIMEOUT_MAX)) // check if the CI/SL/LSTO combination is valid // based on: LSTO > (1 + Slave Latency) * (Connection Interval * 2) // Note: The CI * 2 requirement based on ESR05 V1.0, Erratum 3904. // Note: LSTO time is normalized to units of 1.25ms (i.e. 10ms = 8 * 1.25ms). #define LL_INVALID_CONN_TIME_PARAM_COMBO( ci, sl, lsto ) \ ((uint32)((lsto)*8) <= ((uint32)(1+(sl)) * (uint32)((ci)*2))) #define LL_TIME_DELTA(T1, T2) ((T2 >= T1) ? (T2 - T1) : (BASE_TIME_UNITS - T1 + T2)) /******************************************************************************* * CONSTANTS */ /* ** LL API Status Codes ** ** Note: These status values map directly to the HCI Error Codes. ** Per the Bluetooth Core Specification, V4.0.0, Vol. 2, Part D. */ #define LL_STATUS_SUCCESS 0x00 // Success #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CONN_HANDLE 0x02 // Unknown Connection Identifier #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE_CONNECTION 0x02 // Unknown Connection Identifier for now; may be needed for multiple connections #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_AUTH_FAILURE 0x05 // Authentication Failure #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_PIN_OR_KEY_MISSING 0x06 // Pin or Key Missing #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_CONN_RESOURCES 0x07 // Memory Capacity Exceeded #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_TX_MEM 0x07 // Memory Capacity Exceeded #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RX_MEM 0x07 // Memory Capacity Exceeded #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_HEAP 0x07 // Memory Capacity Exceeded #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_WL_TABLE_FULL 0x07 // Memory Capacity Exceeded #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_RL_TABLE_FULL 0x07 // Memory Capacity Exceeded, add by HZF #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_TX_DATA_QUEUE_FULL 0x07 // Memory Capacity Exceeded #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_TX_DATA_QUEUE_EMPTY 0x07 // Memory Capacity Exceeded #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 0x08 // Connection Timeout #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_CONNECTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x09 // Connection Limit Exceeded #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED 0x0C // Command Disallowed #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_DUE_TO_LIMITED_RESOURCES 0x0D // Command Rejected Due To Limited Resources #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_DUE_TO_DELAYED_RESOURCES 0x0D // Command Delayed Due To Limited Resources #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x11 // Unsupported Feature or Parameter Value #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PARAMETER 0x12 // Invalid HCI Command Parameters #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PARAM_COMBINATION 0x12 // Invalid HCI Command Parameters #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER 0x12 // Invalid HCI Command Parameters or 0x30: Parameter Out of Mandatory Range? #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ADV_EVT_TYPE 0x12 // Invalid HCI Command Parameters or 0x30: Parameter Out of Mandatory Range? #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_PEER_TERM 0x13 // Remote User Terminated Connection #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_PEER_DEVICE_TERM_LOW_RESOURCES 0x14 // Remote Device Terminated Connection Due To Low Resources #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_PEER_DEVICE_TERM_POWER_OFF 0x15 // Remote Device Terminated Connection Due To Power Off #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_HOST_TERM 0x16 // Connection Terminated By Local Host #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_REMOTE_FEATURE 0x1A // Unsupported Remote Feature // 2020-01-23 add error Code #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_LMP_LL_PARAMETER 0x1E #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_WL_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND 0x1F // Unspecified Error #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_WL_TABLE_EMPTY 0x1F // Unspecified Error #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_RL_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND 0x1F // Unspecified Error #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_RL_TABLE_EMPTY 0x1F // Unspecified Error #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_RNG_FAILURE 0x1F // Unspecified Error #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_DISCONNECT_IMMEDIATE 0x1F // Unspecified Error #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_DATA_PACKET_QUEUED 0x1F // Unspecified Error // 2020-01-23 add error Code #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORT_LMP_LL_PARAMETER 0x20 #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_STATE_ROLE 0x21 // Role Change Not Allowed #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_LL_TIMEOUT 0x22 // Link Layer Response Timeout #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_LL_TIMEOUT_HOST 0x22 // Link Layer Response Timeout #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_LL_TIMEOUT_PEER 0x22 // Link Layer Response Timeout #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_LL_PROCEDURE_COLLISION 0x23 // Link Layer Procedure collision #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_INSTANT_PASSED 0x28 // Instant Passed #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_INSTANT_PASSED_HOST 0x28 // Instant Passed #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_INSTANT_PASSED_PEER 0x28 // Instant Passed #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_KEY_PAIRING_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x29 // Pairing With Unit Key Not Supported #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_DIFF_TRANSACTION_COLLISION 0x2A // Link Layer collision in same procedure #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_NO_ADV_CHAN_FOUND 0x30 // Parameter Out Of Mandatory Range #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE 0x30 // Parameter Out Of Mandatory Range #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_UPDATE_CTRL_PROC_PENDING 0x3A // Controller Busy #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_CTRL_PROC_ALREADY_ACTIVE 0x3A // Controller Busy #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_VER_INFO_REQ_ALREADY_PENDING 0x3A // Controller Busy #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNACCEPTABLE_CONN_INTERVAL 0x3B // Unacceptable Connection Interval #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_DIRECTED_ADV_TIMEOUT 0x3C // Directed Advertising Timeout #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_CONN_TERM_DUE_TO_MIC_FAILURE 0x3D // Connection Terminated Due To MIC Failure #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_CONN_FAILED_TO_BE_ESTABLISHED 0x3E // Connection Failed To Be Established #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_CONN_TIMING_FAILURE 0x3F // MAC Connection Failed #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_COARSE_CLK_ADJ_REJECT 0x40 // Coarse Clock Adjustment Rejected but Will Try to Adjust Using Clock Dragging #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_TYPE0_SUBMAP_NOT_DEF 0x41 // Type0 Submap Not Defined #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ADV_ID 0x42 // Unknown Advertising Identifier #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_LIMIT_REACHED 0x43 // Limit Reached #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_OP_CANCEL_BY_HOST 0x44 // Operation Cancelled by Host #define LL_STATUS_ERROR_PACKET_TOO_LONG 0x45 // Packet Too Long // Internal #define LL_STATUS_DISABLE_LATENCY_INACTIVE_CONN 0x81 #define LL_STATUS_DISABLE_LATENCY_DISABLED 0x82 #define LL_STATUS_DISABLE_LATENCY_PENDING 0x83 #define LL_STATUS_DISABLE_LATENCY_MISS_EVT 0x84 #define LL_STATUS_DISABLE_LATENCY_FAIL 0x8F #define LL_STATUS_WARNING_WAITING_LLIRQ 0xFE // only used internally, so value doesn't matter #define LL_STATUS_WARNING_TX_DISABLED 0xFF // only used internally, so value doesn't matter #define LL_STATUS_WARNING_FLAG_UNCHANGED 0xFF // only used internally, so value doesn't matter // Encryption Key Request Reason Codes #define LL_ENC_KEY_REQ_ACCEPTED LL_STATUS_SUCCESS #define LL_ENC_KEY_REQ_REJECTED LL_STATUS_ERROR_PIN_OR_KEY_MISSING #define LL_ENC_KEY_REQ_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_REMOTE_FEATURE // Disconnect Reason Codes #define LL_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT #define LL_PEER_REQUESTED_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_PEER_TERM #define LL_PEER_REQUESTED_LOW_RESOURCES_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_PEER_DEVICE_TERM_LOW_RESOURCES #define LL_PEER_REQUESTED_POWER_OFF_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_PEER_DEVICE_TERM_POWER_OFF #define LL_HOST_REQUESTED_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_HOST_TERM #define LL_CTRL_PKT_TIMEOUT_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_LL_TIMEOUT #define LL_CTRL_PKT_TIMEOUT_HOST_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_LL_TIMEOUT_HOST #define LL_CTRL_PKT_TIMEOUT_PEER_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_LL_TIMEOUT_PEER #define LL_CTRL_PKT_INSTANT_PASSED_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_INSTANT_PASSED #define LL_CTRL_PKT_INSTANT_PASSED_HOST_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_INSTANT_PASSED_HOST #define LL_CTRL_PKT_INSTANT_PASSED_PEER_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_INSTANT_PASSED_PEER #define LL_UNACCEPTABLE_CONN_INTERVAL_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNACCEPTABLE_CONN_INTERVAL #define LL_MIC_FAILURE_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_CONN_TERM_DUE_TO_MIC_FAILURE #define LL_CONN_ESTABLISHMENT_FAILED_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_CONN_FAILED_TO_BE_ESTABLISHED // Disconnect API Parameter #define LL_DISCONNECT_AUTH_FAILURE LL_STATUS_ERROR_AUTH_FAILURE #define LL_DISCONNECT_REMOTE_USER_TERM LL_STATUS_ERROR_PEER_TERM #define LL_DISCONNECT_REMOTE_DEV_LOW_RESOURCES LL_STATUS_ERROR_PEER_DEVICE_TERM_LOW_RESOURCES #define LL_DISCONNECT_REMOTE_DEV_POWER_OFF LL_STATUS_ERROR_PEER_DEVICE_TERM_POWER_OFF #define LL_DISCONNECT_UNSUPPORTED_REMOTE_FEATURE LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_REMOTE_FEATURE #define LL_DISCONNECT_KEY_PAIRING_NOT_SUPPORTED LL_STATUS_ERROR_KEY_PAIRING_NOT_SUPPORTED #define LL_DISCONNECT_UNACCEPTABLE_CONN_INTERVAL LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNACCEPTABLE_CONN_INTERVAL // LL Advertiser Events #define LL_ADV_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED_EVT 0 #define LL_ADV_CONNECTABLE_HDC_DIRECTED_EVT 1 // High Duty Cycle #define LL_ADV_SCANNABLE_UNDIRECTED_EVT 2 #define LL_ADV_NONCONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED_EVT 3 #define LL_ADV_CONNECTABLE_LDC_DIRECTED_EVT 4 // Low Duty Cycle // LL Address Type #define LL_DEV_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC 0 #define LL_DEV_ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM 1 #define LL_DEV_ADDR_TYPE_RPA_PUBLIC 2 // Controller generates Resolvable Private Address based on the local IRK from resolving list. If resolving list contains no matching entry, use public address #define LL_DEV_ADDR_TYPE_RPA_RANDOM 3 // Controller generates Resolvable Private Address based on the local IRK from resolving list. If resolving list contains no matching entry, use random address from LE_Set_Random_Address. // Advertiser White List Policy #define LL_ADV_WL_POLICY_ANY_REQ 0 // any scan request or connect request #define LL_ADV_WL_POLICY_WL_SCAN_REQ 1 // any connect request, white list scan request #define LL_ADV_WL_POLICY_WL_CONNECT_REQ 2 // any scan request, white list connect request #define LL_ADV_WL_POLICY_WL_ALL_REQ 3 // white list scan request and connect request // Scanner White List Policy #define LL_SCAN_WL_POLICY_ANY_ADV_PKTS 0 #define LL_SCAN_WL_POLICY_USE_WHITE_LIST 1 #define LL_SCAN_WL_POLICY_BLE42_1 2 #define LL_SCAN_WL_POLICY_BLE42_2 3 // Initiator White List Policy #define LL_INIT_WL_POLICY_USE_PEER_ADDR 0 #define LL_INIT_WL_POLICY_USE_WHITE_LIST 1 // Black List Control #define LL_SET_BLACKLIST_DISABLE 0 #define LL_SET_BLACKLIST_ENABLE 1 // Advertiser Commands #define LL_ADV_MODE_OFF 0 #define LL_ADV_MODE_ON 1 #define LL_ADV_MODE_RESERVED 2 // LL Scan Commands #define LL_SCAN_STOP 0 #define LL_SCAN_START 1 // LL Scan Filtering #define LL_FILTER_REPORTS_DISABLE 0 #define LL_FILTER_REPORTS_ENABLE 1 // LL Scan Types #define LL_SCAN_PASSIVE 0 #define LL_SCAN_ACTIVE 1 // LL Tx Power Types #define LL_READ_CURRENT_TX_POWER_LEVEL 0 #define LL_READ_MAX_TX_POWER_LEVEL 1 // Data Fragmentation Flag #define LL_DATA_FIRST_PKT_HOST_TO_CTRL 0 #define LL_DATA_CONTINUATION_PKT 1 #define LL_DATA_FIRST_PKT_CTRL_TO_HOST 2 // Connection Complete Role #define LL_LINK_CONNECT_COMPLETE_MASTER 0 #define LL_LINK_CONNECT_COMPLETE_SLAVE 1 // Encryption Related #define LL_ENCRYPTION_OFF 0 #define LL_ENCRYPTION_ON 1 // Feature Set Related #define LL_MAX_FEATURE_SET_SIZE 8 // in bytes // #define LL_FEATURE_RFU 0 // all bits in a byte #define LL_FEATURE_ENCRYPTION 1 // byte 0, bit 0 #define LL_FEATURE_EXT_REJECT_IND 4 // byte 0, bit 0 #define LL_FEATURE_DATA_LENGTH_EXTENSION 0x20 // byte 0, bit 0 #define LL_FEATURE_2M_PHY 0x01 // byte 1, bit 0 #define LL_FEATURE_CODED_PHY 0x08 // byte 1, bit 3 // 2020-01-15 add // CODE PHY feature #define LL_FEATURE_CODE_PHY_IDX 1 // byte 1 #define LL_FEATURE_CODE_PHY 0x08 // extended advertisingCTE feature #define LL_FEATURE_EXT_ADV_IDX 1 #define LL_FEATURE_EXT_ADV 0x10 // periodic advertising #define LL_FEATURE_PRD_ADV_IDX 1 #define LL_FEATURE_PRD_ADV 0x20 // Channel selection Algorithm #2 #define LL_FEATURE_CSA2_IDX 1 #define LL_FEATURE_CSA2 0x40 // CTE FEATURE #define LL_CTE_FEATURE_IDX 2 #define LL_CONN_CTE_REQ 0x02 #define LL_CONN_CTE_RSP 0x04 #define LL_CONNLESS_CTE_TRANSMITER 0x08 #define LL_CONNLESS_CTE_RECEIVER 0x10 #define LL_AOD_SUPPORT 0x20 #define LL_AOA_SUPPORT 0x40 // Receive Flow Control #define LL_DISABLE_RX_FLOW_CONTROL 0 #define LL_ENABLE_RX_FLOW_CONTROL 1 // Direct Test Mode #define LL_DIRECT_TEST_NUM_RF_CHANS 40 // PHY_NUM_RF_CHANS #define LL_DIRECT_TEST_MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN 37 // #define LL_DIRECT_TEST_PAYLOAD_PRBS9 0 #define LL_DIRECT_TEST_PAYLOAD_0x0F 1 #define LL_DIRECT_TEST_PAYLOAD_0x55 2 #define LL_DIRECT_TEST_PAYLOAD_PRBS15 3 #define LL_DIRECT_TEST_PAYLOAD_0xFF 4 #define LL_DIRECT_TEST_PAYLOAD_0x00 5 #define LL_DIRECT_TEST_PAYLOAD_0xF0 6 #define LL_DIRECT_TEST_PAYLOAD_0xAA 7 #define LL_DIRECT_TEST_PAYLOAD_UNDEFINED 0xFF // #define LL_DIRECT_TEST_MODE_TX 0 #define LL_DIRECT_TEST_MODE_RX 1 // #define LL_RF_RSSI_UNDEFINED PHY_RSSI_VALUE_INVALID // Vendor Specific #define LL_EXT_RX_GAIN_STD 0 #define LL_EXT_RX_GAIN_HIGH 1 // #define LL_EXT_TX_POWER_MINUS_23_DBM 0 #define LL_EXT_TX_POWER_MINUS_6_DBM 1 #define LL_EXT_TX_POWER_0_DBM 2 #define LL_EXT_TX_POWER_4_DBM 3 // #define LL_EXT_DISABLE_ONE_PKT_PER_EVT 0 #define LL_EXT_ENABLE_ONE_PKT_PER_EVT 1 // #define LL_EXT_DISABLE_CLK_DIVIDE_ON_HALT 0 #define LL_EXT_ENABLE_CLK_DIVIDE_ON_HALT 1 // #define LL_EXT_NV_NOT_IN_USE 0 #define LL_EXT_NV_IN_USE 1 // #define LL_EXT_DISABLE_FAST_TX_RESP_TIME 0 #define LL_EXT_ENABLE_FAST_TX_RESP_TIME 1 // #define LL_EXT_DISABLE_SL_OVERRIDE 0 #define LL_EXT_ENABLE_SL_OVERRIDE 1 // #define LL_EXT_TX_MODULATED_CARRIER 0 #define LL_EXT_TX_UNMODULATED_CARRIER 1 // #define LL_EXT_SET_FREQ_TUNE_DOWN 0 #define LL_EXT_SET_FREQ_TUNE_UP 1 // #define LL_EXT_PER_RESET 0 #define LL_EXT_PER_READ 1 // #define LL_EXT_HALT_DURING_RF_DISABLE 0 #define LL_EXT_HALT_DURING_RF_ENABLE 1 // #define LL_EXT_SET_USER_REVISION 0 #define LL_EXT_READ_BUILD_REVISION 1 // #define LL_EXT_RESET_SYSTEM_DELAY 100 // in ms #define LL_EXT_RESET_SYSTEM_HARD 0 #define LL_EXT_RESET_SYSTEM_SOFT 1 // #define LL_EXT_DISABLE_OVERLAPPED_PROCESSING 0 #define LL_EXT_ENABLE_OVERLAPPED_PROCESSING 1 // #define LL_EXT_DISABLE_NUM_COMPL_PKTS_ON_EVENT 0 #define LL_EXT_ENABLE_NUM_COMPL_PKTS_ON_EVENT 1 /* ** Event Parameters */ // Advertising Report Data #define LL_ADV_RPT_ADV_IND LL_ADV_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED_EVT #define LL_ADV_RPT_ADV_DIRECT_IND LL_ADV_CONNECTABLE_HDC_DIRECTED_EVT #define LL_ADV_RPT_ADV_SCANNABLE_IND LL_ADV_SCANNABLE_UNDIRECTED_EVT #define LL_ADV_RPT_ADV_NONCONN_IND LL_ADV_NONCONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED_EVT #define LL_ADV_RPT_SCAN_RSP (LL_ADV_NONCONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED_EVT + 1) #define LL_ADV_RPT_INVALID 0xFF // #define LL_RSSI_NOT_AVAILABLE 127 // Sleep Clock Accuracy (SCA) #define LL_SCA_500_PPM 0 #define LL_SCA_250_PPM 1 #define LL_SCA_150_PPM 2 #define LL_SCA_100_PPM 3 #define LL_SCA_75_PPM 4 #define LL_SCA_50_PPM 5 #define LL_SCA_30_PPM 6 #define LL_SCA_20_PPM 7 // Default SCA //#define LL_SCA_MASTER_DEFAULT 5 // 50ppm (ordinal value) #define LL_SCA_MASTER_DEFAULT 0 // 500ppm (ordinal value) #define LL_SCA_SLAVE_DEFAULT 500 // 500ppm // LL Advertiser Channels #define LL_ADV_CHAN_37 1 #define LL_ADV_CHAN_38 2 #define LL_ADV_CHAN_39 4 #define LL_ADV_CHAN_ALL (LL_ADV_CHAN_37 | LL_ADV_CHAN_38 | LL_ADV_CHAN_39) #define LL_ADV_CHAN_MAP_DEFAULT LL_ADV_CHAN_ALL #define LL_ADV_CHAN_FIRST 37 #define LL_ADV_CHAN_LAST 39 // max future number of events for an update to parameters or data channel #define LL_MAX_UPDATE_COUNT_RANGE 32767 // Extended Header Flags #define LE_EXT_HDR_ADVA_PRESENT_BITMASK 0x01 #define LE_EXT_HDR_TARGETA_PRESENT_BITMASK 0x02 #define LE_EXT_HDR_CTE_INFO_PRESENT_BITMASK 0x04 #define LE_EXT_HDR_ADI_PRESENT_BITMASK 0x08 #define LE_EXT_HDR_AUX_PTR_PRESENT_BITMASK 0x10 #define LE_EXT_HDR_SYNC_INFO_PRESENT_BITMASK 0x20 #define LE_EXT_HDR_TX_PWR_PRESENT_BITMASK 0x40 #define LE_EXT_HDR_RFU_PRESENT_BITMASK 0x80 // extended advertisement Macros #define LE_ADV_PROP_CONN_BITMASK 0x00000001 #define LE_ADV_PROP_SCAN_BITMASK 0x00000002 #define LE_ADV_PROP_DIRECT_BITMASK 0x00000004 #define LE_ADV_PROP_HI_DC_CONN_BITMASK 0x00000008 #define LE_ADV_PROP_LEGACY_BITMASK 0x00000010 #define LE_ADV_PROP_ANON_BITMASK 0x00000020 // applicable to extended adv only #define LE_ADV_PROP_TX_POWER_BITMASK 0x00000040 // applicable to extended adv & periodic adv /* TODO: update according to spec 0x00 Intermediate fragment of fragmented extended advertising data 0x01 First fragment of fragmented extended advertising data 0x02 Last fragment of fragmented extended advertising data 0x03 Complete extended advertising data 0x04 Unchanged data (just update the Advertising DID) */ #define BLE_EXT_ADV_OP_INTERM_FRAG 0x00 #define BLE_EXT_ADV_OP_FIRST_FRAG 0x01 #define BLE_EXT_ADV_OP_LAST_FRAG 0x02 #define BLE_EXT_ADV_OP_COMPLETE_DATA 0x03 #define BLE_EXT_ADV_OP_UNCHANGED_DATA 0x04 #define BLE_EXT_ADV_FRAG_ENABLED 0x00 #define BLE_EXT_ADV_FRAG_DISABLED 0x01 #define LL_EXT_ADV_MODE_NOCONN_NOSC 0 #define LL_EXT_ADV_MODE_AUX_CONN_RSP 0 #define LL_EXT_ADV_MODE_CONN 1 #define LL_EXT_ADV_MODE_SC 2 #define LL_EXT_ADV_MODE_RFU 3 // AuxPtr // channel Idx(6bits) | CA(1bit) | offset Unit(1 bit) | Aux offset(13bits) | Aux PHY #define LL_AUX_PTR_CHN_IDX_SHIFT 0 #define LL_AUX_PTR_CA_SHIFT 6 #define LL_AUX_PTR_OFFSET_UNIT_SHIFT 7 #define LL_AUX_PTR_AUX_OFFSET_SHIFT 8 #define LL_AUX_PTR_AUX_PHY_SHIFT 21 #define LL_AUX_PTR_CHN_IDX_MASK 0x3F #define LL_AUX_PTR_CA_MASK 0x1 #define LL_AUX_PTR_OFFSET_UNIT_MASK 0x1 #define LL_AUX_PTR_AUX_OFFSET_MASK 0x1FFF #define LL_AUX_PTR_AUX_PHY_MASK 0x7 // for Periodic scanner #define LL_PERIODIC_ADV_CREATE_SYNC_USING_ADV_LIST_BITMASK 0x00000001 #define LL_PERIODIC_ADV_CREATE_SYNC_INIT_RPT_DISABLE_BITMASK 0x00000002 /* ** Miscellaneous */ #define BLE_PKT40_LEN 42 #define BLE_PKT51_LEN 262 #define BLE_PKT_VERSION_4_0 0 #define BLE_PKT_VERSION_5_1 1 /******************************************************************************* * TYPEDEFS */ /******************************************************************************* * LOCAL VARIABLES */ /******************************************************************************* * GLOBAL VARIABLES */ /******************************************************************************* * LL OSAL Functions */ /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_Init * * @brief This is the Link Layer task initialization called by OSAL. It * must be called once when the software system is started and * before any other function in the LL API is called. * * input parameters * * @param taskId - Task identifier assigned by OSAL. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_Init( uint8 taskId ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ProcessEvent * * @brief This is the Link Layer process event handler called by OSAL. * * input parameters * * @param taskId - Task identifier assigned by OSAL. * events - Event flags to be processed by this task. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return Unprocessed event flags. */ extern uint16 LL_ProcessEvent( uint8 task_id, uint16 events ); /******************************************************************************* * LL API for HCI */ /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_TX_bm_alloc API * * @brief This API is used to allocate memory using buffer management. * * Note: This function should never be called by the application. * It is only used by HCI and L2CAP_bm_alloc. * * input parameters * * @param size - Number of bytes to allocate from the heap. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return Pointer to buffer, or NULL. */ extern void *LL_TX_bm_alloc( uint16 size ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_RX_bm_alloc API * * @brief This API is used to allocate memory using buffer management. * * Note: This function should never be called by the application. * It is only used by HCI and L2CAP_bm_alloc. * * input parameters * * @param size - Number of bytes to allocate from the heap. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return Pointer to buffer, or NULL. */ extern void *LL_RX_bm_alloc( uint16 size ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_Reset API * * @brief This function is used by the HCI to reset and initialize the * LL Controller. * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_Reset( void ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ReadBDADDR API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to read the controller's * own public device address. * * Note: The device's address is stored in NV memory. * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param bdAddr - A pointer to a buffer to hold this device's address. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_ReadBDADDR( uint8 *bdAddr ); /******************************************************************************* * * @fn LL_SetRandomAddress API * * @brief This function is used to save this device's random address. It * is provided by the Host for devices that are unable to store a * IEEE assigned public address in NV memory. * * input parameters * * @param devAddr - Pointer to a random address (LSO..MSO). * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS * */ extern llStatus_t LL_SetRandomAddress( uint8 *devAddr ); extern llStatus_t LL_GetRabdomAddress( uint8 *devAddr ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ClearWhiteList API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to clear the White List. * * Note: If Scanning is enabled using filtering, and the white * list policy is "Any", then this command will be * disallowed. * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_ClearWhiteList( void ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_AddWhiteListDevice API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to add a device address and its * type to the White List. * * input parameters * * @param devAddr - Pointer to a 6 byte device address. * @param addrType - Public or Random device address. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_WL_TABLE_FULL */ extern llStatus_t LL_AddWhiteListDevice( uint8 *devAddr, uint8 addrType ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_RemoveWhiteListDevice API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to remove a device address and * it's type from the White List. * * input parameters * * @param devAddr - Pointer to a 6 byte device address. * @param addrType - Public or Random device address. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_WL_TABLE_EMPTY, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_WL_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND */ extern llStatus_t LL_RemoveWhiteListDevice( uint8 *devAddr, uint8 addrType ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ReadWlSize API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to get the total number of white * list entries that can be stored in the Controller. * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param *numEntries - Total number of available White List entries. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_ReadWlSize( uint8 *numEntries ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_NumEmptyWlEntries API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to get the number of White List * entries that are empty. * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param *numEmptyEntries - number of empty entries in the White List. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_NumEmptyWlEntries( uint8 *numEmptyEntries ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_Encrypt API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to request the LL to encrypt the * data in the command using the key given in the command. * * Note: The parameters are byte ordered MSO to LSO. * * input parameters * * @param *key - A 128 bit key to be used to calculate the * session key. * @param *plaintextData - A 128 bit block that is to be encrypted. * * output parameters * * @param *encryptedData - A 128 bit block that is encrypted. * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_Encrypt( uint8 *key, uint8 *plaintextData, uint8 *encryptedData ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_Rand API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to request the LL Controller to * provide a data block with random content. * * Note: If the radio is in use, then this operation has to be * delayed until the radio finishes. * * input parameters * * @param *randData - Pointer to buffer to place a random block of data. * @param dataLen - The length of the random data block, from 1-255. * * output parameters * * @param *randData - Pointer to buffer containing a block of true random * data. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_DUE_TO_LIMITED_RESOURCES, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, LL_STATUS_ERROR_RNG_FAILURE */ extern llStatus_t LL_Rand( uint8 *randData, uint8 dataLen ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ReadSupportedStates API * * @brief This function is used to provide the HCI with the Link Layer * supported states and supported state/role combinations. * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param *states - Eight byte Bit map of supported states/combos. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_ReadSupportedStates( uint8 *states ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ReadLocalSupportedFeatures API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to read the controller's * Features Set. The Controller indicates which features it * supports. * * input parameters * * @param featureSet - A pointer to the Feature Set where each bit: * 0: Feature not supported. * 1: Feature supported by controller. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_ReadLocalSupportedFeatures( uint8 *featureSet ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ReadLocalVersionInfo API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to read the controller's * Version information. * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param verNum - Version of the Bluetooth Controller specification. * @param comId - Company identifier of the manufacturer of the * Bluetooth Controller. * @param subverNum - A unique value for each implementation or revision * of an implementation of the Bluetooth Controller. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_ReadLocalVersionInfo( uint8 *verNum, uint16 *comId, uint16 *subverNum ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_CtrlToHostFlowControl API * * @brief This function is used to indicate if the LL enable/disable * receive FIFO processing. This function provides support for * Controller to Host flow control. * * input parameters * * @param mode: LL_ENABLE_RX_FLOW_CONTROL, LL_DISABLE_RX_FLOW_CONTROL * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_CtrlToHostFlowControl( uint8 mode ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ReadRemoteVersionInfo API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to read the peer controller's * Version Information. If the peer's Version Information has * already been received by its request for our Version * Information, then this data is already cached and can be * directly returned to the Host. If the peer's Version Information * is not already cached, then it will be requested from the peer, * and when received, returned to the Host via the * LL_ReadRemoteVersionInfoCback callback. * * Note: Only one Version Indication is allowed for a connection. * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID on which to send this data. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_VER_IND_ALREADY_SENT */ extern llStatus_t LL_ReadRemoteVersionInfo( uint16 connId ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ReadTxPowerLevel * * @brief This function is used to read a connection's current transmit * power level or the maximum transmit power level. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection handle. * @param type - LL_READ_CURRENT_TX_POWER_LEVEL or * LL_READ_MAX_TX_POWER_LEVEL * @param *txPower - A signed value from -30..+20, in dBm. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE_CONNECTION */ llStatus_t LL_ReadTxPowerLevel( uint8 connId, uint8 type, int8 *txPower ); // A1 ROM metal change add /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_SetTxPowerLevel * * @brief This function is used to set transmit power level * * input parameters * * @param txPower - The transmit power level to be set * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE_CONNECTION */ llStatus_t LL_SetTxPowerLevel( int8 txPower ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ReadChanMap API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to read the channel map that the * LL controller is using for the LL connection. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection handle. * * output parameters * * @param chanMap - A five byte array containing one bit per data channel * where a 1 means the channel is "used" and a 0 means * the channel is "unused". * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE_CONNECTION */ extern llStatus_t LL_ReadChanMap( uint8 connId, uint8 *chanMap ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ReadRssi API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to request RSSI. If there is an * active connection for the given connection ID, then the RSSI of * the last received data packet in the LL will be returned. If a * receiver Modem Test is running, then the RF RSSI for the last * received data will be returned. If no valid RSSI value is * available, then LL_RSSI_NOT_AVAILABLE will be returned. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID on which to read last RSSI. * * output parameters * * @param *lastRssi - The last data RSSI received. * Range: -127dBm..+20dBm, 127=Not Available. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE_CONNECTION */ extern llStatus_t LL_ReadRssi( uint16 connId, int8 *lastRssi ); extern llStatus_t LL_ReadFoff( uint16 connId, uint16 *foff ); extern llStatus_t LL_ReadCarrSens( uint16 connId, uint8 *carrSense ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_Disconnect API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to terminate a LL connection. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID on which to send this data. * @param reason - The reason for the Host connection termination. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE_CONNECTION * LL_STATUS_ERROR_CTRL_PROC_ALREADY_ACTIVE */ extern llStatus_t LL_Disconnect( uint16 connId, uint8 reason ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_TxData API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to transmit a buffer of data on a * given LL connection. If fragmentation is supported, the HCI must * also indicate whether this is the first Host packet, or a * continuation Host packet. When fragmentation is not supported, * then a start packet should always specified. If the device is in * a connection as a Master and the current connection ID is the * connection for this data, or is in a connection as a Slave, then * the data is written to the TX FIFO (even if the radio is * curerntly active). If this is a Slave connection, and Fast TX is * enabled and Slave Latency is being used, then the amount of time * to the next event is checked. If there's at least a connection * interval plus some overhead, then the next event is re-aligned * to the next event boundary. Otherwise, in all cases, the buffer * pointer will be retained for transmission, and the callback * event LL_TxDataCompleteCback will be generated to the HCI when * the buffer pointer is no longer needed by the LL. * * Note: If the return status is LL_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_TX_MEM, * then the HCI must not release the buffer until it receives * the LL_TxDataCompleteCback callback, which indicates the * LL has copied the transmit buffer. * * Note: The HCI should not call this routine if a buffer is still * pending from a previous call. This is fatal! * * Note: If the connection should be terminated within the LL * before the Host knows, attempts by the HCI to send more * data (after receiving a LL_TxDataCompleteCback) will * fail (LL_STATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE_CONNECTION). * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID on which to send this data. * @param *pBuf - A pointer to the data buffer to transmit. * @param pktLen - The number of bytes to transmit on this connection. * @param fragFlag - LL_DATA_FIRST_PKT_HOST_TO_CTRL: * Indicates buffer is the start of a * Host-to-Controller packet. * LL_DATA_CONTINUATION_PKT: * Indicates buffer is a continuation of a * Host-to-Controller packet. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE_CONNECTION, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_TX_MEM, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_TxData( uint16 connId, uint8 *pBuf, uint8 pktLen, uint8 fragFlag ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_DirectTestTxTest API * * @brief This function is used to initiate a BLE PHY level Transmit Test * in Direct Test Mode where the DUT generates test reference * packets at fixed intervals. This test will make use of the * nanoRisc Raw Data Transmit and Receive task. * * Note: The BLE device is to transmit at maximum power. * Note: A LL reset should be issued when done using DTM! * * input parameters * * @param txFreq - Tx RF frequency k=0..39, where F=2402+(k*2MHz). * @param payloadLen - Number of bytes (0..37)in payload for each packet. * @param payloadType - The type of pattern to transmit. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_STATE_ROLE */ extern llStatus_t LL_DirectTestTxTest( uint8 txFreq, uint8 payloadLen, uint8 payloadType ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_DirectTestRxTest API * * @brief This function is used to initiate a BLE PHY level Receive Test * in Direct Test Mode where the DUT receives test reference * packets at fixed intervals. This test will make use of the * nanoRisc Raw Data Transmit and Receive task. The received * packets are verified based on the CRC, and metrics are kept. * * Note: A LL reset should be issued when done using DTM! * * input parameters * * @param rxFreq - Rx RF frequency k=0..39, where F=2402+(k*2MHz). * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_STATE_ROLE */ extern llStatus_t LL_DirectTestRxTest( uint8 rxFreq ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_DirectTestEnd API * * @brief This function is used to end the Direct Test Transmit or Direct * Test Receive tests executing in Direct Test mode. When the raw * task is ended, the LL_DirectTestEndDoneCback callback is called. * If a Direct Test mode operation is not currently active, an * error is returned. * * Note: A LL reset is issued upon completion! * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_STATE_ROLE */ extern llStatus_t LL_DirectTestEnd( void ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_SetAdvParam API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to set the Advertiser's * parameters. * * input parameters * @param advIntervalMin - The minimum Adv interval. * @param advIntervalMax - The maximum Adv interval. * @param advEvtType - The type of advertisment event. * @param ownAddrType - The Adv's address type of public or random. * @param directAddrType - Only used for directed advertising. * @param *directAddr - Only used for directed advertising (NULL otherwise). * @param advChanMap - A byte containing 1 bit per advertising * channel. A bit set to 1 means the channel is * used. The bit positions define the advertising * channels as follows: * Bit 0: 37, Bit 1: 38, Bit 2: 39. * @param advWlPolicy - The Adv white list filter policy. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_NO_ADV_CHAN_FOUND */ extern llStatus_t LL_SetAdvParam( uint16 advIntervalMin, uint16 advIntervalMax, uint8 advEvtType, uint8 ownAddrType, uint8 directAddrType, uint8 *directAddr, uint8 advChanMap, uint8 advWlPolicy ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_SetAdvData API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to set the Advertiser's data. * * Note: If the Advertiser is restarted without intervening calls * to this routine to make updates, then the previously * defined data will be reused. * * Note: If the data happens to be changed while advertising, then * the new data will be sent on the next advertising event. * * input parameters * * @param advDataLen - The number of scan response bytes: 0..31. * @param advData - Pointer to the advertiser data, or NULL. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_SetAdvData( uint8 advDataLen, uint8 *advData ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_SetScanRspData API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to set the Advertiser's Scan * Response data. * * Note: If the Advertiser is restarted without intervening calls * to this routine to make updates, then the previously * defined data will be reused. * * input parameters * * @param scanRspLen - The number of scan response bytes: 0..31. * @param *scanRspData - Pointer to the scan response data. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_SetScanRspData( uint8 scanRspLen, uint8 *scanRspData ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_SetAdvControl API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to request the Controller to start * or stop advertising. * * input parameters * * @param advMode - LL_ADV_MODE_ON or LL_ADV_MODE_OFF. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_STATE_ROLE, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED */ extern llStatus_t LL_SetAdvControl( uint8 advMode ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ReadAdvChanTxPower * * @brief This function is used to read the transmit power level used * for BLE advertising channel packets. Currently, only two * settings are possible, a standard setting of 0 dBm, and a * maximum setting of 4 dBm. * * input parameters * * @param *txPower - A non-null pointer. * * output parameters * * @param *txPower - A signed value from -20..+10, in dBm. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE */ extern llStatus_t LL_ReadAdvChanTxPower( int8 *txPower ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_SetScanParam API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to set the Scanner's parameters. * * input parameters * * @param scanType - Passive or Active scan type. * @param scanInterval - Time between scan events. * @param scanWindow - Duration of a scan. When the same as the scan * interval, then scan continuously. * @param ownAddrType - Address type (Public or Random) to use in the * SCAN_REQ packet. * @param advWlPolicy - Either allow all Adv packets, or only those that * are in the white list. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_SetScanParam( uint8 scanType, uint16 scanInterval, uint16 scanWindow, uint8 ownAddrType, uint8 advWlPolicy ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_SetScanControl API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to start or stop the Scanner. It * also specifies whether the LL will filter duplicate advertising * reports to the Host, or generate a report for each packet * received. * * input parameters * * @param scanMode - LL_SCAN_START or LL_SCAN_STOP. * @param filterReports - LL_FILTER_REPORTS_DISABLE or * LL_FILTER_REPORTS_ENABLE * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_OUT_OF_TX_MEM, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_STATE_ROLE */ extern llStatus_t LL_SetScanControl( uint8 scanMode, uint8 filterReports ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EncLtkReply API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to provide the controller with * the Long Term Key (LTK) for encryption. This command is * actually a reply to the link layer's LL_EncLtkReqCback, which * provided the random number and encryption diversifier received * from the Master during an encryption setup. * * Note: The key parameter is byte ordered LSO to MSO. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID on which to send this data. * @param *key - A 128 bit key to be used to calculate the session key. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_EncLtkReply( uint16 connId, uint8 *key ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EncLtkNegReply API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to indicate to the controller * that the Long Term Key (LTK) for encryption can not be provided. * This command is actually a reply to the link layer's * LL_EncLtkReqCback, which provided the random number and * encryption diversifier received from the Master during an * encryption setup. How the LL responds to the negative reply * depends on whether this is part of a start encryption or a * re-start encryption after a pause. For the former, an * encryption request rejection is sent to the peer device. For * the latter, the connection is terminated. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID on which to send this data. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_EncLtkNegReply( uint16 connId ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_CreateConn API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to create a connection. * * input parameters * * @param scanInterval - The scan interval. * @param scanWindow - The scan window. * @param initWlPolicy - Filter Adv address directly or using WL. * @param peerAddrType - Peer address is Public or Random. * @param *peerAddr - The Adv address, or NULL for WL policy. * @param ownAddrType - This device's address is Public or Random. * @param connIntervalMin - Defines minimum connection interval value. * @param connIntervalMax - Defines maximum connection interval value. * @param connLatency - The connection's Slave Latency. * @param connTimeout - The connection's Supervision Timeout. * @param minLength - Info parameter about min length of connection. * @param maxLength - Info parameter about max length of connection. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_STATE_ROLE, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PARAM_COMBINATION, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_CreateConn( uint16 scanInterval, uint16 scanWindow, uint8 initWlPolicy, uint8 peerAddrType, uint8 *peerAddr, uint8 ownAddrType, uint16 connIntervalMin, uint16 connIntervalMax, uint16 connLatency, uint16 connTimeout, uint16 minLength, uint16 maxLength ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_CreateConnCancel API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to cancel a previously given LL * connection creation command that is still pending. This command * should only be used after the LL_CreateConn command as been * issued, but before the LL_ConnComplete callback. * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED */ extern llStatus_t LL_CreateConnCancel( void ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ConnActive * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to check if a connection * given by the connection handle is active. * * input parameters * * @param connId - Connection handle. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE_CONNECTION */ extern llStatus_t LL_ConnActive( uint16 connId ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ConnUpdate API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to update the connection * parameters by initiating a connection update control procedure. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The connection ID on which to send this data. * @param connIntervalMin - Defines minimum connection interval value. * @param connIntervalMax - Defines maximum connection interval value. * @param connLatency - The connection's Slave Latency. * @param connTimeout - The connection's Supervision Timeout. * @param minLength - Info parameter about min length of connection. * @param maxLength - Info parameter about max length of connection. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE_CONNECTION * LL_STATUS_ERROR_CTRL_PROC_ALREADY_ACTIVE, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PARAM_COMBINATION */ extern llStatus_t LL_ConnUpdate( uint16 connId, uint16 connIntervalMin, uint16 connIntervalMax, uint16 connLatency, uint16 connTimeout, uint16 minLength, uint16 maxLength ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ChanMapUpdate API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to update the Host data channels * initiating an Update Data Channel control procedure. * * Note: While it isn't specified, it is assumed that the Host * expects an update channel map on all active connections. * * Note: This LL currently only supports one connection. * * input parameters * * @param chanMap - A five byte array containing one bit per data channel * where a 1 means the channel is "used". * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PARAM_COMBINATION */ extern llStatus_t LL_ChanMapUpdate( uint8 *chanMap ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_StartEncrypt API * * @brief This API is called by the Master HCI to setup encryption and to * update encryption keys in the LL connection. If the connection * is already in encryption mode, then this command will first * pause the encryption before subsequently running the encryption * setup. * * Note: The parameters are byte ordered LSO to MSO. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID on which to send this data. * @param *rand - Random vector used in device identification. * @param *eDiv - Encrypted diversifier. * @param *key - A 128 bit key to be used to calculate the session key. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED */ extern llStatus_t LL_StartEncrypt( uint16 connId, uint8 *rand, uint8 *eDiv, uint8 *ltk ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ReadRemoteUsedFeatures API * * @brief This API is called by the Master HCI to initiate a feature * setup control process. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID on which to send this data. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_ReadRemoteUsedFeatures( uint16 connId ); /* ** Vendor Specific Command API */ /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_SetRxGain Vendor Specific API * * @brief This function is used to to set the RF RX gain. * * input parameters * * @param rxGain - LL_EXT_RX_GAIN_STD, LL_EXT_RX_GAIN_HIGH * * output parameters * * @param cmdComplete - Boolean to indicate the command is still pending. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_SetRxGain( uint8 rxGain, uint8 *cmdComplete ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_SetTxPower Vendor Specific API * * @brief This function is used to to set the RF TX power. * * input parameters * * @param txPower - LL_EXT_TX_POWER_0_DBM, LL_EXT_TX_POWER_4_DBM * * output parameters * * @param cmdComplete - Boolean to indicate the command is still pending. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_SetTxPower( uint8 txPower, uint8 *cmdComplete ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_OnePacketPerEvent Vendor Specific API * * @brief This function is used to enable or disable allowing only one * packet per event. * * input parameters * * @param control - LL_EXT_ENABLE_ONE_PKT_PER_EVT, * LL_EXT_DISABLE_ONE_PKT_PER_EVT * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_OnePacketPerEvent( uint8 control ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_ClkDivOnHalt Vendor Specific API * * @brief This function is used to enable or disable dividing down the * system clock while halted. * * Note: This command is disallowed if haltDuringRf is not defined. * * input parameters * * @param control - LL_EXT_ENABLE_CLK_DIVIDE_ON_HALT, * LL_EXT_DISABLE_CLK_DIVIDE_ON_HALT * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_ClkDivOnHalt( uint8 control ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_DeclareNvUsage Vendor Specific API * * @brief This HCI Extension API is used to indicate to the Controller * whether or not the Host will be using the NV memory during BLE * operations. * * input parameters * * @param mode - HCI_EXT_NV_IN_USE, HCI_EXT_NV_NOT_IN_USE * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_DeclareNvUsage( uint8 mode ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_Decrypt API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to request the LL to decrypt the * data in the command using the key given in the command. * * Note: The parameters are byte ordered MSO to LSO. * * input parameters * * @param *key - A 128 bit key to be used to calculate the * session key. * @param *encryptedData - A 128 bit block that is encrypted. * * output parameters * * @param *plaintextData - A 128 bit block that is to be encrypted. * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_Decrypt( uint8 *key, uint8 *encryptedData, uint8 *plaintextData ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_SetLocalSupportedFeatures API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to indicate to the Controller * which features can or can not be used. * * Note: Not all features indicated by the Host to the Controller * are valid. If invalid, they shall be ignored. * * input parameters * * @param featureSet - A pointer to the Feature Set where each bit: * 0: Feature shall not be used. * 1: Feature can be used. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_SetLocalSupportedFeatures( uint8 *featureSet ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_SetFastTxResponseTime API * * @brief This API is used to enable or disable the fast TX response * time feature. This can be helpful when a short connection * interval is used in combination with slave latency. In such * a scenario, the response time for sending the TX data packet * can effectively shorten or eliminate slave latency, thereby * increasing power consumption. By disabling, this feature * trades fast response time for less power consumption. * * input parameters * * @param control - LL_EXT_ENABLE_FAST_TX_RESP_TIME, * LL_EXT_DISABLE_FAST_TX_RESP_TIME * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_SetFastTxResponseTime( uint8 control ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_SetSlaveLatencyOverride API * * @brief This API is used to enable or disable the suspention of slave * latency. This can be helpful when the Slave application knows * it will soon receive something that needs to be handled without * delay. * * input parameters * * @param control - LL_EXT_DISABLE_SL_OVERRIDE, * LL_EXT_ENABLE_SL_OVERRIDE * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_SetSlaveLatencyOverride( uint8 control ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_ModemTestTx * * @brief This API is used start a continuous transmitter modem test, * using either a modulated or unmodulated carrier wave tone, at * the frequency that corresponds to the specified RF channel. Use * LL_EXT_EndModemTest command to end the test. * * Note: A LL reset will be issued by LL_EXT_EndModemTest! * Note: The BLE device will transmit at maximum power. * Note: This API can be used to verify this device meets Japan's * TELEC regulations. * * input parameters * * @param cwMode - LL_EXT_TX_MODULATED_CARRIER, * LL_EXT_TX_UNMODULATED_CARRIER * txFreq - Transmit RF channel k=0..39, where BLE F=2402+(k*2MHz). * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_STATE_ROLE */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_ModemTestTx( uint8 cwMode, uint8 txFreq ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_ModemHopTestTx * * @brief This API is used to start a continuous transmitter direct test * mode test using a modulated carrier wave and transmitting a * 37 byte packet of Pseudo-Random 9-bit data. A packet is * transmitted on a different frequency (linearly stepping through * all RF channels 0..39) every 625us. Use LL_EXT_EndModemTest * command to end the test. * * Note: A LL reset will be issued by LL_EXT_EndModemTest! * Note: The BLE device will transmit at maximum power. * Note: This API can be used to verify this device meets Japan's * TELEC regulations. * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_STATE_ROLE */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_ModemHopTestTx( void ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_ModemTestRx * * @brief This API is used to start a continuous receiver modem test * using a modulated carrier wave tone, at the frequency that * corresponds to the specific RF channel. Any received data is * discarded. Receiver gain may be adjusted using the * LL_EXT_SetRxGain command. RSSI may be read during this test by * using the LL_ReadRssi command. Use LL_EXT_EndModemTest command * to end the test. * * Note: A LL reset will be issued by LL_EXT_EndModemTest! * Note: The BLE device will transmit at maximum power. * * input parameters * * @param rxFreq - Receiver RF channel k=0..39, where BLE F=2402+(k*2MHz). * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_STATE_ROLE */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_ModemTestRx( uint8 rxFreq ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_EndModemTest * * @brief This API is used to shutdown a modem test. A complete link * layer reset will take place. * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_STATE_ROLE */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_EndModemTest( void ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_SetBDADDR * * @brief This API is used to set this device's BLE address (BDADDR). * * Note: This command is only allowed when the device's state is * Standby. * * input parameters * * @param bdAddr - A pointer to a buffer to hold this device's address. * An invalid address (i.e. all FF's) will restore this * device's address to the address set at initialization. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_SetBDADDR( uint8 *bdAddr ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_SetSCA * * @brief This API is used to set this device's Sleep Clock Accuracy. * * Note: For a slave device, this value is directly used, but only * if power management is enabled. For a master device, this * value is converted into one of eight ordinal values * representing a SCA range, as specified in Table 2.2, * Vol. 6, Part B, Section of the Core specification. * * Note: This command is only allowed when the device is not in a * connection. * * Note: The device's SCA value remains unaffected by a HCI_Reset. * * input parameters * * @param scaInPPM - This device's SCA in PPM from 0..500. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_SetSCA( uint16 scaInPPM ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_SetFreqTune * * @brief This API is used to set the Frequncy Tuning up or down. If the * current setting is already at the max/min value, then no * update is performed. * * Note: This is a Production Test Mode only command! * * input parameters * * @param step - LL_EXT_SET_FREQ_TUNE_UP or LL_EXT_SET_FREQ_TUNE_DOWN * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_SetFreqTune( uint8 step ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_SaveFreqTune * * @brief This API is used to save the current Frequency Tuning value to * flash memory. It is restored on reboot or wake from sleep. * * Note: This is a Production Test Mode only command! * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_SaveFreqTune( void ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_SetMaxDtmTxPower Vendor Specific API * * @brief This function is used to set the max RF TX power to be used * when using Direct Test Mode. * * input parameters * * @param txPower - LL_EXT_TX_POWER_MINUS_23_DBM, * LL_EXT_TX_POWER_MINUS_6_DBM, * LL_EXT_TX_POWER_0_DBM, * LL_EXT_TX_POWER_4_DBM * * output parameters * * @param cmdComplete - Boolean to indicate the command is still pending. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_SetMaxDtmTxPower( uint8 txPower ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_DisconnectImmed Vendor Specific API * * @brief This function is used to disconnect the connection immediately. * * Note: The connection (if valid) is immediately terminated * without notifying the remote device. The Host is still * notified. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID on which to send this data. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE_CONNECTION */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_DisconnectImmed( uint16 connId ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_PacketErrorRate Vendor Specific API * * @brief This function is used to Reset or Read the Packet Error Rate * counters for a connection. When Reset, the counters are cleared; * when Read, the total number of packets received, the number of * packets received with a CRC error, the number of events, and the * number of missed events are returned via a callback. * * Note: The counters are only 16 bits. At the shortest connection * interval, this provides a bit over 8 minutes of data. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID on which to send this data. * @param command - LL_EXT_PER_RESET, LL_EXT_PER_READ * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE_CONNECTION */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_PacketErrorRate( uint16 connId, uint8 command ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_PERbyChan Vendor Specific API * * @brief This API is called by the HCI to start or end Packet Error Rate * by Channel counter accumulation for a connection. If the * pointer is not NULL, it is assumed there is sufficient memory * for the PER data, per the type perByChan_t. If NULL, then * the operation is considered disabled. * * Note: It is the user's responsibility to make sure there is * sufficient memory for the data, and that the counters * are cleared prior to first use. * * Note: The counters are only 16 bits. At the shortest connection * interval, this provides a bit over 8 minutes of data. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID on which to send this data. * @param perByChan - Pointer to PER by Channel data, or NULL. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE_CONNECTION */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_PERbyChan( uint16 connId, perByChan_t *perByChan ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_HaltDuringRf Vendor Specfic API * * @brief This function is used to enable or disable halting the * CPU during RF. The system defaults to enabled. * * input parameters * * @param mode - LL_EXT_HALT_DURING_RF_ENABLE, * LL_EXT_HALT_DURING_RF_DISABLE * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_HaltDuringRf( uint8 mode ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_AdvEventNotice Vendor Specific API * * @brief This API is called to enable or disable a notification to the * specified task using the specified task event whenever a Adv * event ends. A non-zero taskEvent value is taken to be "enable", * while a zero valued taskEvent is taken to be "disable". * * input parameters * * @param taskID - User's task ID. * @param taskEvent - User's task event. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_AdvEventNotice( uint8 taskID, uint16 taskEvent ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_ConnEventNotice Vendor Specific API * * @brief This API is called to enable or disable a notification to the * specified task using the specified task event whenever a * Connection event ends. A non-zero taskEvent value is taken to * be "enable", while a zero valued taskEvent is taken to be * "disable". * * Note: Currently, only a Slave connection is supported. * * input parameters * * @param taskID - User's task ID. * @param taskEvent - User's task event. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE_CONNECTION, * LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_ConnEventNotice( uint8 taskID, uint16 taskEvent ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_BuildRevision Vendor Specific API * * @brief This API is used to to set a user revision number or read the * build revision number. * * input parameters * * @param mode - LL_EXT_SET_USER_REVISION | * LL_EXT_READ_BUILD_REVISION * @param userRevNum - A 16 bit value the user can set as their own * revision number * * output parameters * * @param buildRev - Pointer to returned build revision, if any. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_BuildRevision( uint8 mode, uint16 userRevNum, uint8 *buildRev ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_DelaySleep Vendor Specific API * * @brief This API is used to to set the sleep delay. * * input parameters * * @param delay - 0 .. 1000, in milliseconds. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_DelaySleep( uint16 delay ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_ResetSystem Vendor Specific API * * @brief This API is used to to issue a soft or hard system reset. * * input parameters * * @param mode - LL_EXT_RESET_SYSTEM_HARD | LL_EXT_RESET_SYSTEM_SOFT * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_STATUS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_ResetSystem( uint8 mode ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_OverlappedProcessing Vendor Specific API * * @brief This API is used to enable or disable overlapped processing. * * input parameters * * @param mode - LL_EXT_ENABLE_OVERLAPPED_PROCESSING | * LL_EXT_DISABLE_OVERLAPPED_PROCESSING * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARAMS */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_OverlappedProcessing( uint8 mode ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_NumComplPktsLimit Vendor Specific API * * @brief This API is used to set the minimum number of * completed packets which must be met before a Number of * Completed Packets event is returned. If the limit is not * reach by the end of the connection event, then a Number of * Completed Packets event will be returned (if non-zero) based * on the flushOnEvt flag. * * input parameters * * @param limit - From 1 to LL_MAX_NUM_DATA_BUFFERS. * @param flushOnEvt - LL_EXT_DISABLE_NUM_COMPL_PKTS_ON_EVENT | * LL_EXT_ENABLE_NUM_COMPL_PKTS_ON_EVENT * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS, LL_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARAMS */ extern llStatus_t LL_EXT_NumComplPktsLimit( uint8 limit, uint8 flushOnEvt ); /* ** LL Callbacks to HCI */ /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ConnectionCompleteCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to indicate to the Host that * a new connection has been created. For the Slave, this means * a CONNECT_REQ message was received from an Initiator. For the * Master, this means a CONNECT_REQ message was sent in response * to a directed or undirected message addressed to the Initiator. * * input parameters * * @param reasonCode - LL_STATUS_SUCCESS or ? * @param connId - The LL connection ID for new connection. * @param role - LL_LINK_CONNECT_COMPLETE_MASTER or * LL_LINK_CONNECT_COMPLETE_SLAVE. * @param peerAddrType - Peer address type (public or random). * @param peerAddr - Peer address. * @param connInterval - Connection interval. * @param slaveLatency - The connection's Slave Latency. * @param connTimeout - The connection's Supervision Timeout. * @param clockAccuracy - The sleep clock accurracy of the Master. Only * valid on the Slave. Set to 0x00 for the Master. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_ConnectionCompleteCback( uint8 reasonCode, uint16 connId, uint8 role, uint8 peerAddrType, uint8 *peerAddr, uint16 connInterval, uint16 slaveLatency, uint16 connTimeout, uint8 clockAccuracy ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_DisconnectCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to indicate to the Host that * the connection has been terminated. The cause is given by the * reason code. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID. * @param reason - The reason the connection was terminated. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_DisconnectCback( uint16 connId, uint8 reason ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ConnParamUpdateCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to indicate to the Host that * the update parameters control procedure has completed. It is * always made to the Master's Host when the update request has * been sent. It is only made to the Slave's Host when the update * results in a change to the connection interval, and/or the * connection latency, and/or the connection timeout. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID. * @param connInterval - Connection interval. * @param connLatency - The connection's Slave Latency. * @param connTimeout - The connection's Supervision Timeout. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_ConnParamUpdateCback( uint16 connId, uint16 connInterval, uint16 connLatency, uint16 connTimeout ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ReadRemoteVersionInfoCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to indicate to the Host the * requested peer's Version information. * * input parameters * * @param status - Status of callback. * @param connId - The LL connection ID. * @param verNum - Version of the Bluetooth Controller specification. * @param comId - Company identifier of the manufacturer of the * Bluetooth Controller. * @param subverNum - A unique value for each implementation or revision * of an implementation of the Bluetooth Controller. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_ReadRemoteVersionInfoCback( uint8 status, uint16 connId, uint8 verNum, uint16 comId, uint16 subverNum ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EncChangeCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to indicate to the Host that * an encryption change has taken place. This results when * the host performs a LL_StartEncrypt when encryption is not * already enabled. * * Note: If the key request was rejected, then encryption will * remain off. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID for new connection. * @param reason - LL_ENC_KEY_REQ_ACCEPTED or LL_ENC_KEY_REQ_REJECTED. * @param encEnab - LL_ENCRYPTION_OFF or LL_ENCRYPTION_ON. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_EncChangeCback( uint16 connId, uint8 reason, uint8 encEnab ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EncKeyRefreshCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to indicate to the Host that * an encryption key change has taken place. This results when * the host performs a LL_StartEncrypt when encryption is already * enabled. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID for new connection. * @param reason - LL_ENC_KEY_REQ_ACCEPTED. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_EncKeyRefreshCback( uint16 connId, uint8 reason ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_AdvReportCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to provide information about * advertisers from which an advertising packet was received. * * input parameters * * @param eventType - Type of advertisement packet received by Scanner * or Initiator, and scan response for Initiator. * @param advAddrType - Advertiser address type (public or random). * @param advAddr - Advertiser address. * @param dataLen - Size in bytes of advertisement packet. * @param data - Advertisement data. * @param rssi - RSSI value (-127..20dBm), or not available * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_AdvReportCback( uint8 eventType, uint8 advAddrType, uint8 *advAddr, uint8 dataLen, uint8 *data, int8 rssi ); extern void LL_ExtAdvReportCback( uint8 advEvt, uint8 advAddrType, uint8 *advAddr, uint8 primaryPHY, uint8 secondaryPHY, uint8 advertisingSID, uint8 txPower, int8 rssi, uint16 periodicAdvertisingInterval, uint8 directAddrType, uint8 *directAddr, uint8 dataLen, uint8 *rptData); void LL_PrdAdvReportCback(uint16 syncHandle, uint8 txPower, uint8 rssi, uint8 cteType, uint8 dataStatus, uint8 dataLength, uint8 *data ); void LL_PrdAdvSyncEstablishedCback(uint8 status, uint16 syncHandle, uint8 advertisingSID, uint8 advertiserAddressType, uint8 *advertiserAddress, uint8 advertiserPHY, uint16 periodicAdvertisingInterval, uint8 advertiserClockAccuracy ); void LL_PrdAdvSyncLostCback(uint16 syncHandle); /****************************************************************************** * fn: LL_ConnectionlessIQReportCback * * brief: 1、usd by the controller to report IQ Information from the CTE of the * received advertising packet * 2、report IQ Information from the CTE of a received Test Mode packet * * date:2020-01-14 * * input parameters: * syncHandle : Identifying the periodic advertising train * chan_idx : the index of the channel on which the packet has received * rssi : rssi of the packet , units 0.1 dBm * rssi_antID : Antenna ID * cte_type : AOA/AOD CTE Type, AOD with 1us or 2us slots * slot_duration : switching and sampling slots with 1us or 2us * packet_status : indicates whether the received packet had a valid CRC * and if not , whether the controller has determined the * position and size of the CTE * PE_Cnt : the value of paEventCounter * sampCnt : total number of sample pairs * ISample : the list of the I Sample of the report packets * QSample : the list of the Q Sample of the report packets * * * output parameters: * * Note: Controller shall not generate this event for packets that have a bad CRC * * return hciStatus_t * ******************************************************************************/ void LL_ConnectionlessIQReportCback( uint16 syncHandle, uint8 chan_idx, int16 rssi, uint8 rssi_antID, uint8 cte_type, uint8 slot_duration, uint8 packet_status, uint16 PE_Cnt, uint8 sampCnt, uint16 *ISample, uint16 *QSample); /***************************************************************************************** * fn: LL_ConnectionIQReportCback * * date:2020-01-14 * * brief: used by the controller to report the IQ samples from the CTE of a received packet. * * input parameters: * connHandle : identifies the connections that corresponds to the reported information * rx_PHY : receiver PHY for the connection 1M or 2M * data_chan_idx: the index of data channel on which the data physical channel PDU has received * rssi : rssi of the packet , units 0.1 dBm * rssi_antID : id of the antenna on which the RSSI is measured * cte_type : AOA/AOD CTE Type, AOD with 1us or 2us slots * slot_duration: switching and sampling slots with 1us or 2us * packet_status: indicates whether the received packet had a valid CRC * and if not , whether the controller has determined the * position and size of the CTE * connEventCounter:the value of connection event counter * sampCnt : total number of sample pairs * ISample : the list of the I Sample of the report packets * QSample : the list of the Q Sample of the report packets * * * output parameters: * * * return hciStatus_t * *****************************************************************************************/ void LL_ConnectionIQReportCback( uint16 connHandle, uint8 rx_PHY, uint8 data_chan_idx, int16 rssi, uint8 rssi_antID, uint8 cte_type, uint8 slot_duration, uint8 packet_status, uint16 connEventCounter, uint8 sampCnt, uint16 *ISample, uint16 *QSample); /***************************************************************************************** * fn: LL_CTE_Report_FailedCback * * date:2020-01-14 * * brief: used by the controller to report an issue following a request to a peer device * to reply with a packet containing an LL_CTE_RSP PDU and a CTE * * * input parameters: * status : received LL_CTE_RSP PDU status * connHandle : connection handle * * output parameters: * * * return hciStatus_t * *****************************************************************************************/ void LL_CTE_Report_FailedCback( uint8 status,uint16 connHandle); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_ReadRemoteUsedFeaturesCompleteCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to indicate to the Host that * the Read Remote Feature Support command as completed. * * input parameters * * @param status - SUCCESS or control procedure timeout. * @param connId - The LL connection ID for new connection. * @param featureSet - A pointer to the Feature Set. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_ReadRemoteUsedFeaturesCompleteCback( uint8 status, uint16 connId, uint8 *featureSet ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EncLtkReqCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to provide to the Host the * Master's random number and encryption diversifier, and to * request the Host's Long Term Key (LTK). * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID for new connection. * @param randNum - Random vector used in device identification. * @param encDiv - Encrypted diversifier. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_EncLtkReqCback( uint16 connId, uint8 *randNum, uint8 *encDiv ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_DirectTestEndDone Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to notify the HCI that the * Direct Test End command has completed. * * * input parameters * * @param numPackets - The number of packets received. Zero for transmit. * @param mode - LL_DIRECT_TEST_MODE_TX or LL_DIRECT_TEST_MODE_RX. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS */ extern void LL_DirectTestEndDoneCback( uint16 numPackets, uint8 mode ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_DataLengthChange Callback * * */ extern void LL_DataLengthChangeCback(uint16 connHandle, uint16 MaxTxOctets, uint16 MaxTxTime, uint16 MaxRxOctets, uint16 MaxRxTime); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_TxDataCompleteCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to indicate to the HCI that * the HCI's buffer is free for its own use again. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID on which to send this data. * @param *pBuf - A pointer to the data buffer to transmit, or NULL. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. ******************************************************************************/ extern void LL_TxDataCompleteCback( uint16 connId, uint8 *pBuf ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_RxDataCompleteCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to indicate to the HCI that * data has been received and placed in the buffer provided by * the HCI. * * input parameters * * @param connId - The LL connection ID on which data was received. * @param *pBuf - A pointer to the receive data buffer provided by * the HCI. * @param len - The number of bytes received on this connection. * @param fragFlag - LL_DATA_FIRST_PKT indicates buffer is the start of * a Host packet. * LL_DATA_CONTINUATION_PKT: Indicates buffer is a * continuation of a Host packet. * @param rssi - The RSSI of this received packet as a signed byte. * Range: -127dBm..+20dBm, 127=Not Available. * * output parameters * * @param **pBuf - A double pointer updated to the next receive data * buffer, or NULL if no next buffer is available. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_RxDataCompleteCback( uint16 connId, uint8 *ppBuf, uint8 len, uint8 fragFlag, int8 rssi ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_RandCback API * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to notify the HCI that the true * random number command has been completed. * * Note: The length is always given by B_RANDOM_NUM_SIZE. * * input parameters * * @param *randData - Pointer to buffer to place a random block of data. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_RandCback( uint8 *randData ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_SetRxGainCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to notify the HCI that the set * RX gain command has been completed. * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_EXT_SetRxGainCback( void ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_SetTxPowerCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to notify the HCI that the set * TX power command has been completed. * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_EXT_SetTxPowerCback( void ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_PacketErrorRateCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to notify the HCI that the * Packet Error Rate Read command has been completed. * * Note: The counters are only 16 bits. At the shortest connection * interval, this provides a bit over 8 minutes of data. * * input parameters * * @param numPkts - Number of Packets received. * @param numCrcErr - Number of Packets received with a CRC error. * @param numEvents - Number of Connection Events. * @param numPkts - Number of Missed Connection Events. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_EXT_PacketErrorRateCback( uint16 numPkts, uint16 numCrcErr, uint16 numEvents, uint16 numMissedEvts ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_EXT_ExtendRfRangeCback Callback * * @brief This Callback is used by the LL to notify the HCI that the * Extend Rf Range command has been completed. * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ //extern void LL_EXT_ExtendRfRangeCback( void ); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_PLUS_PerStats_Init * * @brief Used to init linklayer per stats * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_PLUS_PerStats_Init(perStatsByChan_t* p_per); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_PLUS_PerStatsReset * * @brief Used to reset linklayer per stats * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_PLUS_PerStatsReset(void); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_PLUS_PerStasReadByChn * * @brief read per stats by data channel id * * input parameters * * @param None. * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ extern void LL_PLUS_PerStasReadByChn(uint8 chnId,perStats_t * perStats); extern LL_PLUS_AdvDataFilterCB_t LL_PLUS_AdvDataFilterCBack; extern void LL_PLUS_SetAdvDataFilterCB(LL_PLUS_AdvDataFilterCB_t AdvDataFilterCBack); extern uint8_t* LL_PLUS_GetAdvDataExtendData(void); extern void LL_PLUS_SetScanRequestData(uint8 dLen,uint8* pData); extern LL_PLUS_ScanRequestFilterCB_t LL_PLUS_ScanRequestFilterCBack; extern void LL_PLUS_SetScanRequestFilterCB(LL_PLUS_ScanRequestFilterCB_t ScanRequestFilterCBack); extern uint8 LL_PLUS_GetScanRequestExtendData(uint8* pData); extern void LL_PLUS_GetScanerAddr(uint8* pData); extern void LL_PLUS_SetScanRsqData(uint8 dLen,uint8* pData); extern void LL_PLUS_SetScanRsqDataByIndex(uint8 dIdx,uint8 data); //DLE extern llStatus_t LL_SetDataLengh( uint16 connId,uint16 TxOctets,uint16 TxTime ); //extern uint8 LL_PLUS_GetLocalPduDataLength(ll_pdu_length_ctrl_t* pduLen); extern llStatus_t LL_WriteSuggestedDefaultDataLength(uint16 TxOctets,uint16 TxTime); extern void LL_DataLengthChangeCback( uint16 connHandle, uint16 MaxTxOctets, uint16 MaxTxTime, uint16 MaxRxOctets, uint16 MaxRxTime); //PHY UPDATE extern llStatus_t LL_SetDefaultPhyMode( uint16 connId,uint8 allPhy,uint8 txPhy, uint8 rxPhy); extern llStatus_t LL_SetPhyMode( uint16 connId,uint8 allPhy,uint8 txPhy, uint8 rxPhy,uint16 phyOptions); extern llStatus_t LL_PhyUpdate( uint16 connId ); extern void LL_PhyUpdateCompleteCback( uint16 connHandle, uint8 status, uint8 txPhy, uint8 rxPhy); // Resolving list extern llStatus_t LL_AddResolvingListLDevice( uint8 addrType, uint8 *devAddr, uint8 *peerIrk, uint8 *localIrk); extern llStatus_t LL_RemoveResolvingListDevice( uint8 *devAddr, uint8 addrType ); extern llStatus_t LL_ClearResolvingList( void ); extern llStatus_t LL_ReadResolvingListSize( uint8 *numEntries ); extern llStatus_t LL_SetAddressResolutionEnable( uint8 enable ); extern llStatus_t LL_SetResolvablePrivateAddressTimeout( uint16 rpaTimeout ); extern llStatus_t LL_PLUS_DisableSlaveLatency(uint8 connId); extern llStatus_t LL_PLUS_EnableSlaveLatency(uint8 connId); // extended advertisement llStatus_t LL_InitExtendedAdv( extAdvInfo_t *extAdvInfo, uint8 extAdvNumber, uint16 advSetMaxLen); llStatus_t LL_SetExtAdvSetRandomAddress( uint8 adv_handle, uint8* random_address); llStatus_t LL_SetExtAdvParam( uint8 adv_handle, uint16 adv_event_properties, uint32 primary_advertising_interval_Min, // 3 octets uint32 primary_advertising_interval_Max, // 3 octets uint8 primary_advertising_channel_map, uint8 own_address_type, uint8 peer_address_type, uint8 *peer_address, uint8 advertising_filter_policy, uint8 advertising_tx_power, uint8 primary_advertising_PHY, uint8 secondary_advertising_max_skip, uint8 secondary_advertising_PHY, uint8 advertising_SID, uint8 scan_request_notification_enable, uint8 *selectTxPwr); llStatus_t LL_SetExtAdvData( uint8 adv_handle, uint8 operation, uint8 fragment_preference, uint8 advertising_data_length, uint8 *advertising_data); llStatus_t LL_SetExtScanRspData( uint8 adv_handle, uint8 operation, uint8 fragment_preference, uint8 scan_rsp_data_length, uint8 *scan_rsp_data); llStatus_t LL_SetExtAdvEnable(uint8 enable, uint8 number_of_sets, uint8 *advertising_handle, uint16 *duration, uint8 *max_extended_advertising_events); llStatus_t LL_ReadMaximumAdvDataLength( uint16 *length ); llStatus_t LL_ReadNumberOfSupportAdvSet( uint8 *number ); llStatus_t LL_RemoveAdvSet( uint8 adv_handle); llStatus_t LL_ClearAdvSets(void); llStatus_t LL_SetExtendedScanParameters(uint8 own_address_type, uint8 scanning_filter_policy, uint8 scanning_PHYs, uint8 *scan_type, uint16 *scan_interval, uint16 *scan_window); llStatus_t LL_SetExtendedScanEnable(uint8 enable, uint8 filter_duplicates, uint16 duration, uint16 period); llStatus_t LL_ExtendedCreateConnection(uint8 initiator_filter_policy, uint8 own_address_type, uint8 peer_address_type, uint8* peer_address, uint8 initiating_PHYs, uint16 *scan_interval, uint16 *scan_window, uint16 *conn_interval_min, uint16 *conn_interval_max, uint16 *conn_latency, uint16 *supervision_timeout, uint16 *minimum_CE_length, uint16 *maximum_CE_length); // extended adv void llSetupAdvExtIndPDU(extAdvInfo_t *pAdvInfo, periodicAdvInfo_t *pPrdAdv); void llSetupAuxAdvIndPDU(extAdvInfo_t *pAdvInfo, periodicAdvInfo_t *pPrdAdv); void llSetupAuxChainIndPDU(extAdvInfo_t *pAdvInfo, periodicAdvInfo_t *pPrdAdv); void llSetupAuxSyncIndPDU(extAdvInfo_t *pAdvInfo, periodicAdvInfo_t *pPrdAdv); void llSetupAuxConnectReqPDU(void); void llSetupAuxConnectRspPDU(extAdvInfo_t *pAdvInfo); void llSetupAuxScanRspPDU(extAdvInfo_t *pAdvInfo); /******************************************************************************* * @fn LL_InitConnectContext * * @brief This function initialize the LL connection-orient context * * input parameters * * @param pConnContext - connection-orient context, the memory is allocated by application * maxConnNum - the size of connect-orient context * maxPktPerEventTx/Rx - number of packets transmit/receive per connection event * * output parameters * * @param None. * * @return None. */ llStatus_t LL_InitConnectContext(llConnState_t *pConnContext, uint8 *pConnBuffer, uint8 maxConnNum, uint8 maxPktPerEventTx, uint8 maxPktPerEventRx, uint8 blePktVersion); // extended scan llStatus_t LL_InitExtendedScan(uint8 *scanDataBuffer, uint16 scanDataBufferLength); llStatus_t LL_InitPeriodicAdv(extAdvInfo_t *extAdvInfo, periodicAdvInfo_t *periodicAdvInfo, uint8 periodicAdvSetNumber, uint16 advSetMaxLen); // Periodic Adv llStatus_t LL_SetPeriodicAdvParameter(uint8 adv_handle, uint16 interval_min, uint16 interval_max, uint16 adv_event_properties); llStatus_t LL_SetPeriodicAdvData(uint8 adv_handle, uint8 operation, uint8 advertising_data_length, uint8 *advertising_data); llStatus_t LL_SetPeriodicAdvEnable(uint8 enable, uint8 advertising_handle); // periodic scan llStatus_t LL_PeriodicAdvertisingCreateSync(uint8 options, uint8 advertising_SID, uint8 advertiser_Address_Type, uint8 *advertiser_Address, uint16 skip, uint16 sync_Timeout, uint8 sync_CTE_Type); llStatus_t LL_PeriodicAdvertisingCreateSyncCancel(void); llStatus_t LL_PeriodicAdvertisingTerminateSync( uint16 sync_handle); /***************************************************************************************** * fn: LL_ConnectionlessCTE_TransmitParamCmd * * date:2020-01-15 * * brief: set CTE Parameters in any periodic advertising * 1、CTE Type * 2、CTE Length * 3、CTE antenna switching pattern * * input parameters: * advertising handle : Identify advertising set 0x0-0xEF * CTE_Length : CTE Length in 8us 0x2-0x14 * CTE_Type : 0:AOA CTE , 1:AoD CTE with 1us,2:AoD CTE with 2us, * CTE_Count : how many CTE packet in each PA event 0x1-0x10 * Switch_Pattern_LEN : number of Antenna IDs in the pattern * : AOD CTE, AOA shall be ignored * : 0x2-0x4B * Antenna_IDs[i] : List of Antenna IDs in the pattern * : AOD CTE, AOA shall be ignored * * output parameters: * Status :LL_STATUS_SUCCESS or other error codes * * * return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS or other error codes * *****************************************************************************************/ llStatus_t LL_ConnectionlessCTE_TransmitParam( uint8 advertising_handle, uint8 len, uint8 type, uint8 count, uint8 Pattern_LEN, uint8 *AnaIDs); /***************************************************************************************** * fn: LL_ConnectionlessCTE_TransmitEnable * * date:2020-01-16 * * brief: Controller enable or disable CTE in PA * * input parameters: * advertising handle : Identify advertising set in which CTE is enable or disable * : 0x0-0xEF * enable : 0 : disable , 1: enable * * * output parameters: * Status :LL_STATUS_SUCCESS or other error codes * * * return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS or other error codes * *****************************************************************************************/ llStatus_t LL_ConnectionlessCTE_TransmitEnable( uint8 advertising_handle, uint8 enable); /***************************************************************************************** * fn: LL_ConnectionlessIQ_SampleEnable * * date:2020-01-17 * * brief: Controller enable or disable capturing IQ Samples from the CTE of PA pcakets * * input parameters: * sync_handle : periodic advertising handle * Range:0x0 - 0x0EFF * slot_Duration : switching and sampling slot 0x1:1us,0x2:2us,Other:RFU * enable : 0x0:IQ Sampling disable, 0x1:IQ Sampling enable * MaxSampledCTEs : max number of CTE in each PA event that the controller * should collect and report * Range : 0x0-0x10 * 0x0 : sample and report all available CTE * pattern_len : number of Antenna IDs in the pattern * Range:0x2 - 0x4B * AnaIDs : list of Antenna IDs in the pattern * * * output parameters: * status : LL_STATUS_SUCCESS or other error codes * sync_handle : Periodic advertising handle * * * return LL_STATUS_SUCCESS or other error codes * *****************************************************************************************/ llStatus_t LL_ConnectionlessIQ_SampleEnable( uint16 sync_handle, uint8 enable, uint8 slot_Duration, uint8 MaxSampledCTEs, uint8 pattern_len, uint8 *AnaIDs); /***************************************************************************************** * fn: LL_Set_ConnectionCTE_ReceiveParam * * date:2020-01-19 * * brief: enable or disable sampling received CTE fields on the connection * set antenna switching pattern * set switching and sampling slot durations * * input parameters: * connHandle : connection handle Range 0x0 - 0x0EFF * enable : sampling enable 0:disable , 1:enable * slot_Duration : switching and sampling slot 0:1us, 1: 2us * pattern_len : the number of Antenna IDs in the pattern * Range: 0x2-0x4B * AnaIDs : list of Antenna IDs in the pattern * * * output parameters: * Status : LL_STATUS_SUCCESS or other error codes * connHandle : Connection Handle * * * return llStatus_t * *****************************************************************************************/ llStatus_t LL_Set_ConnectionCTE_ReceiveParam( uint16 connHandle, uint8 enable, uint8 slot_Duration, uint8 pattern_len, uint8 *AnaIDs); /***************************************************************************************** * fn: LL_Connection_CTE_Request_Enable * * date:2020-01-19 * * brief: request Controller to start or stop initiating the CTE request * procedure on connection * * input parameters: * connHandle : connection Handle * Range:0x0 - 0x0EFF * enable : Enable or disable CTE request for the connection * 0:disable,1:enable * Interval : define whether the CTE request procedure is initiated * only once or periodically. * Range:0x0 - 0xFFFF * 0x0 : Initiate the CTE request procedure once * 0x1 - 0xFFFF : Requested interval for initiating the CTE * procedure in number of connection events * Range: * len : minimum length of the CTE in 8us units * Range: 0x2 - 0x14 * type : indicate the type of CTE that the controller shall * request from the remote device * 0x0:AOA CTE * 0x1:AOD CTE with 1us * 0x2:AOD CTE with 2us * * * output parameters: * Status : 0x0 : command succeed , 0x1 - 0xff : other error code * connHandle : connection handle * * * return llStatus_t * *****************************************************************************************/ llStatus_t LL_Connection_CTE_Request_Enable( uint16 connHandle, uint8 enable, uint16 Interval, uint8 len, uint8 type); /***************************************************************************************** * fn: LL_Set_ConnectionCTE_TransmitParam * * date:2000-01-19 * * brief: used to set the antenna switching pattern and permitted CTE type * * input parameters: * connHandle : connection Handle, Range: 0x0 - 0x0EFF * type : bit set for CTE type , bit 0 : AOA CTE response, * bit 1 : AOD CTE response with 1us slots * bit 2 : AOD CTE response with 2us slots * pattern_len : the number of Antenna IDs in the pattern * AnaIDs : list of Antenna IDs in the pattern * * * output parameters: * Status : 0 : success, other error code * ConnHandle : connection handle * * * return llStatus_t * *****************************************************************************************/ llStatus_t LL_Set_ConnectionCTE_TransmitParam( uint16 connHandle, uint8 type, uint8 pattern_len, uint8 *AnaIDs); /***************************************************************************************** * fn: LL_Connection_CTE_Response_Enable * * date:2020-01-19 * * brief: request the controller to respond to LL_CTE_REQ with LL_CTE_RSP on the * specified connection * * input parameters: * connHandle : connection Handle * Range:0x0 - 0x0EFF * enable : enable or disable CTE response for the connection * * * output parameters: * status : 0x0 : command succeed , 0x1 - 0xff : other error code * connHandle : connection handle * * * * return llStatus_t * *****************************************************************************************/ llStatus_t LL_Connection_CTE_Response_Enable( uint16 connHandle,uint8 enable); /***************************************************************************************** * fn: HCI_LE_READ_Anatenna_InfoCmd * * date:2020-01-19 * * brief: Host read the switching rates, the sampling reate, the number of antennae, * and the maxumum length of a transmitted CTE supported by the controller * * input parameters: * None * * * output parameters: * status : 0x0 : command succeed , 0x1 - 0xff : other error code * switch_sample_rate : bit number indicate supported switching and sampling rate * bit 0 : 1us switching AOD transmission * bit 1 : 1us sampling AOD reception * bit 2 : 1us switching and sampling AOA reception * Antenna_len : number of Antennae supported by the controller * MAX_Pattern_len : MAX length of antenna switching pattern spooorted by the controller * MAX_CTE_LEN : MAX length or a transmitted CTE supported in 8us units * * * return llStatus_t * *****************************************************************************************/ llStatus_t LL_READ_Anatenna_Info( uint8 *param ); void LL_EXT_Init_IQ_pBuff(uint16 *ibuf,uint16 *qbuf); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* LL_H */