Phyplus Microelectronics Limited confidential and proprietary.
All rights reserved.
IMPORTANT: All rights of this software belong to Phyplus Microelectronics
Limited ("Phyplus"). Your use of this Software is limited to those
specific rights granted under the terms of the business contract, the
confidential agreement, the non-disclosure agreement and any other forms
of agreements as a customer or a partner of Phyplus. You may not use this
Software unless you agree to abide by the terms of these agreements.
You acknowledge that the Software may not be modified, copied,
distributed or disclosed unless embedded on a Phyplus Bluetooth Low Energy
(BLE) integrated circuit, either as a product or is integrated into your
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display or sell this Software and/or its documentation for any purposes.
@headerfile: gap.h
#ifndef GAP_H
#define GAP_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include "bcomdef.h"
#include "OSAL.h"
#include "sm.h"
/** @defgroup BLE_GAP_DEFINES BLE GAP Constants and Structures
* @{
/** @defgroup GAP_MSG_EVENT_DEFINES GAP Message IDs
* @{
#define GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT 0x00 //!< Sent when the Device Initialization is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t.
#define GAP_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_EVENT 0x01 //!< Sent when the Device Discovery Process is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapDevDiscEvent_t.
#define GAP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_DONE_EVENT 0x02 //!< Sent when the Advertising Data or SCAN_RSP Data has been updated. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapAdvDataUpdateEvent_t.
#define GAP_MAKE_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT 0x03 //!< Sent when the Make Discoverable Request is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapMakeDiscoverableRspEvent_t.
#define GAP_END_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT 0x04 //!< Sent when the Advertising has ended. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapEndDiscoverableRspEvent_t.
#define GAP_LINK_ESTABLISHED_EVENT 0x05 //!< Sent when the Establish Link Request is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapEstLinkReqEvent_t.
#define GAP_LINK_TERMINATED_EVENT 0x06 //!< Sent when a connection was terminated. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapTerminateLinkEvent_t.
#define GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT 0x07 //!< Sent when an Update Parameters Event is received. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapLinkUpdateEvent_t.
#define GAP_RANDOM_ADDR_CHANGED_EVENT 0x08 //!< Sent when a random address was changed. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapRandomAddrEvent_t.
#define GAP_SIGNATURE_UPDATED_EVENT 0x09 //!< Sent when the device's signature counter is updated. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapSignUpdateEvent_t.
#define GAP_AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE_EVENT 0x0A //!< Sent when the Authentication (pairing) process is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapAuthCompleteEvent_t.
#define GAP_PASSKEY_NEEDED_EVENT 0x0B //!< Sent when a Passkey is needed. This is part of the pairing process. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapPasskeyNeededEvent_t.
#define GAP_SLAVE_REQUESTED_SECURITY_EVENT 0x0C //!< Sent when a Slave Security Request is received. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapSlaveSecurityReqEvent_t.
#define GAP_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT 0x0D //!< Sent during the Device Discovery Process when a device is discovered. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapDeviceInfoEvent_t.
#define GAP_BOND_COMPLETE_EVENT 0x0E //!< Sent when the bonding(bound) process is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapBondCompleteEvent_t.
#define GAP_PAIRING_REQ_EVENT 0x0F //!< Sent when an unexpected Pairing Request is received. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapPairingReqEvent_t.
/** @defgroup GAP_CONN_HANDLE_DEFINES GAP Special Connection Handles
* Used by GAP_TerminateLinkReq()
* @{
#define GAP_CONNHANDLE_INIT 0xFFFE //!< terminates a link create
#define GAP_CONNHANDLE_ALL 0xFFFF //!< terminates all links for the matching task ID.
/** @defgroup GAP_PROFILE_ROLE_DEFINES GAP Profile Roles
* Bit mask values
* @{
#define GAP_PROFILE_BROADCASTER 0x01 //!< A device that sends advertising events only.
#define GAP_PROFILE_OBSERVER 0x02 //!< A device that receives advertising events only.
#define GAP_PROFILE_PERIPHERAL 0x04 //!< A device that accepts the establishment of an LE physical link using the connection establishment procedure
#define GAP_PROFILE_CENTRAL 0x08 //!< A device that supports the Central role initiates the establishment of a physical connection
* @defgroup GAP_PARAMETER_ID_DEFINES GAP Parameter IDs
* Used in place of gapParamIDs_t.
* @{
// Timers
#define TGAP_GEN_DISC_ADV_MIN 0 //!< Minimum time to remain advertising, when in Discoverable mode (mSec). Setting this parameter to 0 turns off the timeout (default).
#define TGAP_LIM_ADV_TIMEOUT 1 //!< Maximum time to remain advertising, when in Limited Discoverable mode. In seconds (default 180 seconds)
#define TGAP_GEN_DISC_SCAN 2 //!< Minimum time to perform scanning, when performing General Discovery proc (mSec)
#define TGAP_LIM_DISC_SCAN 3 //!< Minimum time to perform scanning, when performing Limited Discovery proc (mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_ADV_TIMEOUT 4 //!< Advertising timeout, when performing Connection Establishment proc (mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT 5 //!< Link Layer connection parameter update notification timer, connection parameter update proc (mSec)
// Constants
#define TGAP_LIM_DISC_ADV_INT_MIN 6 //!< Minimum advertising interval, when in limited discoverable mode (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_LIM_DISC_ADV_INT_MAX 7 //!< Maximum advertising interval, when in limited discoverable mode (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_GEN_DISC_ADV_INT_MIN 8 //!< Minimum advertising interval, when in General discoverable mode (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_GEN_DISC_ADV_INT_MAX 9 //!< Maximum advertising interval, when in General discoverable mode (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_ADV_INT_MIN 10 //!< Minimum advertising interval, when in Connectable mode (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_ADV_INT_MAX 11 //!< Maximum advertising interval, when in Connectable mode (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_SCAN_INT 12 //!< Scan interval used during Link Layer Initiating state, when in Connectable mode (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_SCAN_WIND 13 //!< Scan window used during Link Layer Initiating state, when in Connectable mode (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_HIGH_SCAN_INT 14 //!< Scan interval used during Link Layer Initiating state, when in Connectable mode, high duty scan cycle scan paramaters (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_HIGH_SCAN_WIND 15 //!< Scan window used during Link Layer Initiating state, when in Connectable mode, high duty scan cycle scan paramaters (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_GEN_DISC_SCAN_INT 16 //!< Scan interval used during Link Layer Scanning state, when in General Discovery proc (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_GEN_DISC_SCAN_WIND 17 //!< Scan window used during Link Layer Scanning state, when in General Discovery proc (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_LIM_DISC_SCAN_INT 18 //!< Scan interval used during Link Layer Scanning state, when in Limited Discovery proc (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_LIM_DISC_SCAN_WIND 19 //!< Scan window used during Link Layer Scanning state, when in Limited Discovery proc (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_ADV 20 //!< Advertising interval, when using Connection Establishment proc (n * 0.625 mSec). Obsolete - Do not use.
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_INT_MIN 21 //!< Minimum Link Layer connection interval, when using Connection Establishment proc (n * 1.25 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_INT_MAX 22 //!< Maximum Link Layer connection interval, when using Connection Establishment proc (n * 1.25 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_SCAN_INT 23 //!< Scan interval used during Link Layer Initiating state, when using Connection Establishment proc (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_SCAN_WIND 24 //!< Scan window used during Link Layer Initiating state, when using Connection Establishment proc (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_SUPERV_TIMEOUT 25 //!< Link Layer connection supervision timeout, when using Connection Establishment proc (n * 10 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_LATENCY 26 //!< Link Layer connection slave latency, when using Connection Establishment proc (in number of connection events)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_MIN_CE_LEN 27 //!< Local informational parameter about min len of connection needed, when using Connection Establishment proc (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_MAX_CE_LEN 28 //!< Local informational parameter about max len of connection needed, when using Connection Establishment proc (n * 0.625 mSec)
#define TGAP_PRIVATE_ADDR_INT 29 //!< Minimum Time Interval between private (resolvable) address changes. In minutes (default 15 minutes)
#define TGAP_CONN_PAUSE_CENTRAL 30 //!< Central idle timer. In seconds (default 1 second)
#define TGAP_CONN_PAUSE_PERIPHERAL 31 //!< Minimum time upon connection establishment before the peripheral starts a connection update procedure. In seconds (default 5 seconds)
// Proprietary
#define TGAP_SM_TIMEOUT 32 //!< SM Message Timeout (milliseconds). Default 30 seconds.
#define TGAP_SM_MIN_KEY_LEN 33 //!< SM Minimum Key Length supported. Default 7.
#define TGAP_SM_MAX_KEY_LEN 34 //!< SM Maximum Key Length supported. Default 16.
#define TGAP_FILTER_ADV_REPORTS 35 //!< Filter duplicate advertising reports. Default TRUE.
#define TGAP_SCAN_RSP_RSSI_MIN 36 //!< Minimum RSSI required for scan responses to be reported to the app. Default -127.
#define TGAP_REJECT_CONN_PARAMS 37 //!< Whether or not to reject Connection Parameter Update Request received on Central device. Default FALSE.
#if !defined ( TESTMODES )
#define TGAP_AUTH_TASK_ID 38 //!< Task ID override for Task Authentication control (for stack internal use only)
#define TGAP_PARAMID_MAX 39 //!< ID MAX-valid Parameter ID
#define TGAP_GAP_TESTCODE 38 //!< GAP TestCodes - puts GAP into a test mode
#define TGAP_SM_TESTCODE 39 //!< SM TestCodes - puts SM into a test mode
#define TGAP_AUTH_TASK_ID 40 //!< Task ID override for Task Authentication control (for stack internal use only)
#define TGAP_PARAMID_MAX 41 //!< ID MAX-valid Parameter ID
#define TGAP_GATT_TESTCODE 100 //!< GATT TestCodes - puts GATT into a test mode (paramValue maintained by GATT)
#define TGAP_ATT_TESTCODE 101 //!< ATT TestCodes - puts ATT into a test mode (paramValue maintained by ATT)
#define TGAP_GGS_TESTCODE 102 //!< GGS TestCodes - puts GGS into a test mode (paramValue maintained by GGS)
/** @defgroup GAP_DEVDISC_MODE_DEFINES GAP Device Discovery Modes
* @{
#define DEVDISC_MODE_NONDISCOVERABLE 0x00 //!< No discoverable setting
#define DEVDISC_MODE_GENERAL 0x01 //!< General Discoverable devices
#define DEVDISC_MODE_LIMITED 0x02 //!< Limited Discoverable devices
#define DEVDISC_MODE_ALL 0x03 //!< Not filtered
/** @defgroup GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES GAP Address Types
* @{
#define ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC 0x00 //!< Use the BD_ADDR
#define ADDRTYPE_STATIC 0x01 //!< Static address
#define ADDRTYPE_PRIVATE_NONRESOLVE 0x02 //!< Generate Non-Resolvable Private Address
#define ADDRTYPE_PRIVATE_RESOLVE 0x03 //!< Generate Resolvable Private Address
/** @defgroup GAP_ADVERTISEMENT_TYPE_DEFINES GAP Advertising Event Types
* for eventType field in gapAdvertisingParams_t
* @{
#define GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_IND 0x00 //!< Connectable undirected advertisement
#define GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_HDC_DIRECT_IND 0x01 //!< Connectable high duty cycle directed advertisement
#define GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_SCAN_IND 0x02 //!< Scannable undirected advertisement
#define GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_NONCONN_IND 0x03 //!< Non-Connectable undirected advertisement
#define GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_LDC_DIRECT_IND 0x04 //!< Connectable low duty cycle directed advertisement
/** @defgroup GAP_ADVERTISEMENT_REPORT_TYPE_DEFINES GAP Advertising Report Event Types
* for eventType field in gapDevRec_t and gapDeviceInfoEvent_t
* @{
#define GAP_ADRPT_ADV_IND 0x00 //!< Connectable undirected advertisement
#define GAP_ADRPT_ADV_DIRECT_IND 0x01 //!< Connectable directed advertisement
#define GAP_ADRPT_ADV_SCAN_IND 0x02 //!< Scannable undirected advertisement
#define GAP_ADRPT_ADV_NONCONN_IND 0x03 //!< Non-Connectable undirected advertisement
#define GAP_ADRPT_SCAN_RSP 0x04 //!< Scan Response
/** @defgroup GAP_FILTER_POLICY_DEFINES GAP Advertiser Filter Scan Parameters
* @{
#define GAP_FILTER_POLICY_ALL 0x00 //!< Allow Scan Request from Any, Allow Connect Request from Any (default).
#define GAP_FILTER_POLICY_WHITE_SCAN 0x01 //!< Allow Scan Request from White List Only, Allow Connect from Any
#define GAP_FILTER_POLICY_WHITE_CON 0x02 //!< Allow Scan Request from Any, Connect from White List Only
#define GAP_FILTER_POLICY_WHITE 0x03 //!< Allow Scan Request and Connect from White List Only
//! Advertiser Channel Map
//! Maximum Pairing Passcode/Passkey value. Range of a passkey can be 0 - 999,999.
#define GAP_PASSCODE_MAX 999999
/** Sign Counter Initialized - Sign counter hasn't been used yet. Used when setting up
* a connection's signing information.
/** @defgroup GAP_ADVCHAN_DEFINES GAP Advertisement Channel Map
* @{
#define GAP_ADVCHAN_37 0x01 //!< Advertisement Channel 37
#define GAP_ADVCHAN_38 0x02 //!< Advertisement Channel 38
#define GAP_ADVCHAN_39 0x04 //!< Advertisement Channel 39
#define GAP_ADVCHAN_ALL (GAP_ADVCHAN_37 | GAP_ADVCHAN_38 | GAP_ADVCHAN_39) //!< All Advertisement Channels Enabled
/** @defgroup GAP_WHITELIST_DEFINES GAP White List Options
* @{
#define WL_NOTUSED 0x00 //!< White list not used but the advertiser's address in this command is used
#define WL_USED 0x01 //!< White list is used and the advertiser's address in this command is not used.
/** @defgroup GAP_ADTYPE_DEFINES GAP Advertisment Data Types
* These are the data type identifiers for the data tokens in the advertisement data field.
* @{
#define GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS 0x01 //!< Discovery Mode: @ref GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_MODES
#define GAP_ADTYPE_16BIT_MORE 0x02 //!< Service: More 16-bit UUIDs available
#define GAP_ADTYPE_16BIT_COMPLETE 0x03 //!< Service: Complete list of 16-bit UUIDs
#define GAP_ADTYPE_32BIT_MORE 0x04 //!< Service: More 32-bit UUIDs available
#define GAP_ADTYPE_32BIT_COMPLETE 0x05 //!< Service: Complete list of 32-bit UUIDs
#define GAP_ADTYPE_128BIT_MORE 0x06 //!< Service: More 128-bit UUIDs available
#define GAP_ADTYPE_128BIT_COMPLETE 0x07 //!< Service: Complete list of 128-bit UUIDs
#define GAP_ADTYPE_LOCAL_NAME_SHORT 0x08 //!< Shortened local name
#define GAP_ADTYPE_LOCAL_NAME_COMPLETE 0x09 //!< Complete local name
#define GAP_ADTYPE_POWER_LEVEL 0x0A //!< TX Power Level: 0xXX: -127 to +127 dBm
#define GAP_ADTYPE_OOB_CLASS_OF_DEVICE 0x0D //!< Simple Pairing OOB Tag: Class of device (3 octets)
#define GAP_ADTYPE_OOB_SIMPLE_PAIRING_HASHC 0x0E //!< Simple Pairing OOB Tag: Simple Pairing Hash C (16 octets)
#define GAP_ADTYPE_OOB_SIMPLE_PAIRING_RANDR 0x0F //!< Simple Pairing OOB Tag: Simple Pairing Randomizer R (16 octets)
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SM_TK 0x10 //!< Security Manager TK Value
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SM_OOB_FLAG 0x11 //!< Secutiry Manager OOB Flags
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SLAVE_CONN_INTERVAL_RANGE 0x12 //!< Min and Max values of the connection interval (2 octets Min, 2 octets Max) (0xFFFF indicates no conn interval min or max)
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SIGNED_DATA 0x13 //!< Signed Data field
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SERVICES_LIST_16BIT 0x14 //!< Service Solicitation: list of 16-bit Service UUIDs
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SERVICES_LIST_128BIT 0x15 //!< Service Solicitation: list of 128-bit Service UUIDs
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SERVICE_DATA 0x16 //!< Service Data
#define GAP_ADTYPE_APPEARANCE 0x19 //!< Appearance
#define GAP_ADTYPE_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC 0xFF //!< Manufacturer Specific Data: first 2 octets contain the Company Identifier Code followed by the additional manufacturer specific data
/** @defgroup GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_MODES GAP ADTYPE Flags Discovery Modes
* @{
#define GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_LIMITED 0x01 //!< Discovery Mode: LE Limited Discoverable Mode
#define GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_GENERAL 0x02 //!< Discovery Mode: LE General Discoverable Mode
#define GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_BREDR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x04 //!< Discovery Mode: BR/EDR Not Supported
/** @defgroup GAP_APPEARANCE_VALUES GAP Appearance Values
* @{
#define GAP_APPEARE_UNKNOWN 0x0000 //!< Unknown
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_PHONE 0x0040 //!< Generic Phone
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_COMPUTER 0x0080 //!< Generic Computer
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_WATCH 0x00C0 //!< Generic Watch
#define GAP_APPEARE_WATCH_SPORTS 0x00C1 //!< Watch: Sports Watch
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_CLOCK 0x0100 //!< Generic Clock
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_DISPLAY 0x0140 //!< Generic Display
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_RC 0x0180 //!< Generic Remote Control
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_EYE_GALSSES 0x01C0 //!< Generic Eye-glasses
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_TAG 0x0200 //!< Generic Tag
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_KEYRING 0x0240 //!< Generic Keyring
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_MEDIA_PLAYER 0x0280 //!< Generic Media Player
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_BARCODE_SCANNER 0x02C0 //!< Generic Barcode Scanner
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_THERMOMETER 0x0300 //!< Generic Thermometer
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_THERMO_EAR 0x0301 //!< Thermometer: Ear
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_HR_SENSOR 0x0340 //!< Generic Heart rate Sensor
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_HRS_BELT 0x0341 //!< Heart Rate Sensor: Heart Rate Belt
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_BLOOD_PRESSURE 0x0380 //!< Generic Blood Pressure
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_BP_ARM 0x0381 //!< Blood Pressure: Arm
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_BP_WRIST 0x0382 //!< Blood Pressure: Wrist
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_HID 0x03C0 //!< Generic Human Interface Device (HID)
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_KEYBOARD 0x03C1 //!< HID Keyboard
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_MOUSE 0x03C2 //!< HID Mouse
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_JOYSTIC 0x03C3 //!< HID Joystick
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_GAMEPAD 0x03C4 //!< HID Gamepad
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_DIGITIZER_TYABLET 0x03C5 //!< HID Digitizer Tablet
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_DIGITAL_PEN 0x03C7 //!< HID Digital Pen
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_BARCODE_SCANNER 0x03C8 //!< HID Barcode Scanner
* TYPEDEFS - Initialization and Configuration
typedef uint16 gapParamIDs_t;
* GAP event header format.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8 opcode; //!< GAP type of command. Ref: @ref GAP_MSG_EVENT_DEFINES
} gapEventHdr_t;
* GAP_RANDOM_ADDR_CHANGED_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the random address changes.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8 addrType; //!< Address type: @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8 newRandomAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< the new calculated private addr
} gapRandomAddrEvent_t;
* Connection parameters for the peripheral device. These numbers are used
* to compare against connection events and request connection parameter
* updates with the master.
typedef struct
/** Minimum value for the connection event (interval. 0x0006 - 0x0C80 * 1.25 ms) */
uint16 intervalMin;
/** Maximum value for the connection event (interval. 0x0006 - 0x0C80 * 1.25 ms) */
uint16 intervalMax;
/** Number of LL latency connection events (0x0000 - 0x03e8) */
uint16 latency;
/** Connection Timeout (0x000A - 0x0C80 * 10 ms) */
uint16 timeout;
} gapPeriConnectParams_t;
* GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the Device Initialization is done [initiated by calling
* GAP_DeviceInit()].
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8 opcode; //!< GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT
uint8 devAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Device's BD_ADDR
uint16 dataPktLen; //!< HC_LE_Data_Packet_Length
uint8 numDataPkts; //!< HC_Total_Num_LE_Data_Packets
} gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t;
* GAP_SIGNATURE_UPDATED_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the signature counter has changed. This message is to inform the
* application in case it wants to save it to be restored on reboot or reconnect.
* This message is sent to update a connection's signature counter and to update
* this device's signature counter. If devAddr == BD_ADDR, then this message pertains
* to this device.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8 addrType; //!< Device's address type for devAddr
uint8 devAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Device's BD_ADDR, could be own address
uint32 signCounter; //!< new Signed Counter
} gapSignUpdateEvent_t;
* GAP_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app during a Device Discovery Request, when a new advertisement or scan
* response is received.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8 opcode; //!< GAP_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT
uint8 eventType; //!< Advertisement Type: @ref GAP_ADVERTISEMENT_REPORT_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8 addrType; //!< address type: @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8 addr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Address of the advertisement or SCAN_RSP
int8 rssi; //!< Advertisement or SCAN_RSP RSSI
uint8 dataLen; //!< Length (in bytes) of the data field (evtData)
uint8 *pEvtData; //!< Data field of advertisement or SCAN_RSP
} gapDeviceInfoEvent_t;
* TYPEDEFS - Device Discovery
* Type of device discovery (Scan) to perform.
typedef struct
uint8 taskID; //!< Requesting App's Task ID, used to return results
uint8 mode; //!< Discovery Mode: @ref GAP_DEVDISC_MODE_DEFINES
uint8 activeScan; //!< TRUE for active scanning
uint8 whiteList; //!< TRUE to only allow advertisements from devices in the white list.
} gapDevDiscReq_t;
* Type of device discovery (Scan) to perform.
typedef struct
uint8 eventType; //!< Indicates advertising event type used by the advertiser: @ref GAP_ADVERTISEMENT_REPORT_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8 addrType; //!< Address Type: @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8 addr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Device's Address
} gapDevRec_t;
* GAP_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* Application after a scan is performed.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8 numDevs; //!< Number of devices found during scan
gapDevRec_t *pDevList; //!< array of device records
} gapDevDiscEvent_t;
* Advertising Parameters
typedef struct
uint8 eventType; //!< Advertise Event Type: @ref GAP_ADVERTISEMENT_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8 initiatorAddrType; //!< Initiator's address type: @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8 initiatorAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Initiator's addr - used only with connectable directed eventType (ADV_EVTTYPE_CONNECTABLE_DIRECTED).
uint8 channelMap; //!< Channel Map: Bit mask @ref GAP_ADVCHAN_DEFINES
uint8 filterPolicy; //!< Filer Policy: @ref GAP_FILTER_POLICY_DEFINES. Ignored when directed advertising is used.
} gapAdvertisingParams_t;
* GAP_MAKE_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the Advertise config is complete.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint16 interval; //!< actual advertising interval selected by controller
} gapMakeDiscoverableRspEvent_t;
* GAP_END_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when the Advertising has stopped.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
} gapEndDiscoverableRspEvent_t;
* GAP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_DONE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when Advertising Data Update is complete.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8 adType; //!< TRUE if advertising data, FALSE if SCAN_RSP
} gapAdvDataUpdateEvent_t;
* TYPEDEFS - Link Establishment
* Establish Link Request parameters
typedef struct
uint8 taskID; //!< Requesting App/Profile's Task ID
uint8 highDutyCycle; //!< TRUE to high duty cycle scan, FALSE if not.
uint8 whiteList; //!< Determines use of the white list: @ref GAP_WHITELIST_DEFINES
uint8 addrTypePeer; //!< Address type of the advertiser: @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8 peerAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Advertiser's address
} gapEstLinkReq_t;
* Update Link Parameters Request parameters
typedef struct
uint16 connectionHandle; //!< Connection handle of the update
uint16 intervalMin; //!< Minimum Connection Interval
uint16 intervalMax; //!< Maximum Connection Interval
uint16 connLatency; //!< Connection Latency
uint16 connTimeout; //!< Connection Timeout
} gapUpdateLinkParamReq_t;
* GAP_LINK_ESTABLISHED_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the app
* when the link request is complete.
* For an Observer, this message is sent to complete the Establish Link Request.
* For a Peripheral, this message is sent to indicate that a link has been created.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8 devAddrType; //!< Device address type: @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
uint8 devAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< Device address of link
uint16 connectionHandle; //!< Connection Handle from controller used to ref the device
uint16 connInterval; //!< Connection Interval
uint16 connLatency; //!< Conenction Latency
uint16 connTimeout; //!< Connection Timeout
uint8 clockAccuracy; //!< Clock Accuracy
} gapEstLinkReqEvent_t;
* GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the app
* when the connection parameters update request is complete.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8 opcode; //!< GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT
uint8 status; //!< bStatus_t
uint16 connectionHandle; //!< Connection handle of the update
uint16 connInterval; //!< Requested connection interval
uint16 connLatency; //!< Requested connection latency
uint16 connTimeout; //!< Requested connection timeout
} gapLinkUpdateEvent_t;
* GAP_LINK_TERMINATED_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when a link to a device is terminated.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8 opcode; //!< GAP_LINK_TERMINATED_EVENT
uint16 connectionHandle; //!< connection Handle
uint8 reason; //!< termination reason from LL
} gapTerminateLinkEvent_t;
* TYPEDEFS - Authentication, Bounding and Pairing
* GAP_PASSKEY_NEEDED_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when a Passkey is needed from the app's user interface.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8 opcode; //!< GAP_PASSKEY_NEEDED_EVENT
uint8 deviceAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< address of device to pair with, and could be either public or random.
uint16 connectionHandle; //!< Connection handle
uint8 uiInputs; //!< Pairing User Interface Inputs - Ask user to input passcode
uint8 uiOutputs; //!< Pairing User Interface Outputs - Display passcode
} gapPasskeyNeededEvent_t;
* GAP_AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the app
* when the authentication request is complete.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint16 connectionHandle; //!< Connection Handle from controller used to ref the device
uint8 authState; //!< TRUE if the pairing was authenticated (MITM)
smSecurityInfo_t *pSecurityInfo; //!< BOUND - security information from this device
smSigningInfo_t *pSigningInfo; //!< Signing information
smSecurityInfo_t *pDevSecInfo; //!< BOUND - security information from connected device
smIdentityInfo_t *pIdentityInfo; //!< BOUND - identity information
} gapAuthCompleteEvent_t;
* securityInfo and identityInfo are only used if secReqs.bondable == BOUND, which means that
* the device is already bound and we should use the security information and keys.
typedef struct
uint16 connectionHandle; //!< Connection Handle from controller,
smLinkSecurityReq_t secReqs; //!< Pairing Control info
} gapAuthParams_t;
* GAP_SLAVE_REQUESTED_SECURITY_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the app
* when a Slave Security Request is received.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint16 connectionHandle; //!< Connection Handle
uint8 deviceAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; //!< address of device requesting security
uint8 authReq; //!< Authentication Requirements: Bit 2: MITM, Bits 0-1: bonding (0 - no bonding, 1 - bonding)
} gapSlaveSecurityReqEvent_t;
* GAP_BOND_COMPLETE_EVENT message format. This message is sent to the
* app when a bonding is complete. This means that a key is loaded and the link is encrypted.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8 opcode; //!< GAP_BOND_COMPLETE_EVENT
uint16 connectionHandle; //!< connection Handle
} gapBondCompleteEvent_t;
* Pairing Request fields - the parsed fields of the SMP Pairing Request command.
typedef struct
uint8 ioCap; //!< Pairing Request ioCap field
uint8 oobDataFlag; //!< Pairing Request OOB Data Flag field
uint8 authReq; //!< Pairing Request Auth Req field
uint8 maxEncKeySize; //!< Pairing Request Maximum Encryption Key Size field
keyDist_t keyDist; //!< Pairing Request Key Distribution field
} gapPairingReq_t;
* GAP_PAIRING_REQ_EVENT message format.
* This message is sent to the
* app when an unexpected Pairing Request is received. The application is
* expected to setup for a Security Manager pairing/bonding.
* To setup an SM Pairing, the application should call GAP_Authenticate() with these "pairReq" fields.
* NOTE: This message should only be sent to peripheral devices.
typedef struct
osal_event_hdr_t hdr; //!< GAP_MSG_EVENT and status
uint8 opcode; //!< GAP_PAIRING_REQ_EVENT
uint16 connectionHandle; //!< connection Handle
gapPairingReq_t pairReq; //!< The Pairing Request fields received.
} gapPairingReqEvent_t;
* GAP Advertisement/Scan Response Data Token - These data items are stored as low byte first (OTA
* format). The data space for these items are passed in and maintained by
* the calling application
typedef struct
uint8 adType; //!< ADTYPE value: @ref GAP_ADTYPE_DEFINES
uint8 attrLen; //!< Number of bytes in the attribute data
uint8 *pAttrData; //!< pointer to Attribute data
} gapAdvDataToken_t;
/** @} End BLE_GAP_DEFINES */
* @defgroup GAP_API GAP API Functions
* @{
* FUNCTIONS - Initialization and Configuation
* @brief Called to setup the device. Call just once on initialization.
* NOTE: When initialization is complete, the calling app will be
* @param taskID - Default task ID to send events.
* @param profileRole - GAP Profile Roles: @ref GAP_PROFILE_ROLE_DEFINES
* @param maxScanResponses - maximum number to scan responses
* we can receive during a device discovery.
* @param pIRK - pointer to Identity Root Key, NULLKEY (all zeroes) if the app
* wants the GAP to generate the key.
* @param pSRK - pointer to Sign Resolving Key, NULLKEY if the app
* wants the GAP to generate the key.
* @param pSignCounter - 32 bit value used in the SM Signing
* algorithm that shall be initialized to zero and incremented
* with every new signing. This variable must also be maintained
* by the application.
* @return SUCCESS - Processing, expect GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT,
* INVALIDPARAMETER - for invalid profile role or role combination,
* bleIncorrectMode - trouble communicating with HCI
extern bStatus_t GAP_DeviceInit( uint8 taskID,
uint8 profileRole,
uint8 maxScanResponses,
uint8 *pIRK,
uint8 *pSRK,
uint32 *pSignCounter );
* @brief Called to setup a GAP Advertisement/Scan Response data token.
* NOTE: The data in these items are stored as low byte first (OTA format).
* The passed in structure "token" should be allocated by the calling app/profile
* and not released until after calling GAP_RemoveAdvToken().
* @param pToken - Advertisement/Scan response token to write.
* @return SUCCESS - advertisement token added to the GAP list
* INVALIDPARAMETER - Invalid Advertisement Type or pAttrData is NULL
* INVALID_MEM_SIZE - The tokens take up too much space and don't fit into Advertisment data and Scan Response Data
* bleInvalidRange - token ID already exists.
* bleIncorrectMode - not a peripheral device
* bleMemAllocError - memory allocation failure,
extern bStatus_t GAP_SetAdvToken( gapAdvDataToken_t *pToken );
* @brief Called to read a GAP Advertisement/Scan Response data token.
* @param adType - Advertisement type to get
* @return pointer to the advertisement data token structure, NULL if not found.
extern gapAdvDataToken_t *GAP_GetAdvToken( uint8 adType );
* @brief Called to remove a GAP Advertisement/Scan Response data token.
* @param adType - Advertisement type to remove
* @return pointer to the token structure removed from the GAP ADType list
* NULL if the requested adType wasn't found.
extern gapAdvDataToken_t *GAP_RemoveAdvToken( uint8 adType );
* @brief Called to rebuild and load Advertisement and Scan Response data from existing
* GAP Advertisement Tokens.
* @return SUCCESS or bleIncorrectMode
extern bStatus_t GAP_UpdateAdvTokens( void );
* @brief Set a GAP Parameter value. Use this function to change
* the default GAP parameter values.
* @param paramID - parameter ID: @ref GAP_PARAMETER_ID_DEFINES
* @param paramValue - new param value
* @return SUCCESS or INVALIDPARAMETER (invalid paramID)
extern bStatus_t GAP_SetParamValue( gapParamIDs_t paramID, uint16 paramValue );
* @brief Get a GAP Parameter value.
* @param paramID - parameter ID: @ref GAP_PARAMETER_ID_DEFINES
* @return GAP Parameter value or 0xFFFF if invalid
extern uint16 GAP_GetParamValue( gapParamIDs_t paramID );
* @brief Setup the device's address type. If ADDRTYPE_PRIVATE_RESOLVE
* is selected, the address will change periodically.
* @param addrType - @ref GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
* @param pStaticAddr - Only used with ADDRTYPE_STATIC
* NULL to auto generate otherwise the application
* can specify the address value
* @return SUCCESS: address type updated,
* bleNotReady: Can't be called until GAP_DeviceInit() is called
* and the init process is completed,
* bleIncorrectMode: can't change with an active connection,
* If return value isn't SUCCESS, the address type remains
* the same as before this call.
extern bStatus_t GAP_ConfigDeviceAddr( uint8 addrType, uint8 *pStaticAddr );
* @brief Register your task ID to receive extra (unwanted)
* HCI status and complete events.
* @param taskID - Default task ID to send events.
* @return none
extern void GAP_RegisterForHCIMsgs( uint8 taskID );
* FUNCTIONS - Device Discovery
* @brief Start a device discovery scan.
* @param pParams - Device Discovery parameters
* @return SUCCESS: scan started,
* bleIncorrectMode: invalid profile role,
* bleAlreadyInRequestedMode: not available
extern bStatus_t GAP_DeviceDiscoveryRequest( gapDevDiscReq_t *pParams );
* @brief Cancel an existing device discovery request.
* @param taskID - used to return GAP_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_EVENT
* @return SUCCESS: cancel started,
* bleInvalidTaskID: Not the task that started discovery,
* bleIncorrectMode: not in discovery mode
extern bStatus_t GAP_DeviceDiscoveryCancel( uint8 taskID );
* @brief Setup or change advertising. Also starts advertising.
* @param taskID - used to return GAP_DISCOVERABLE_RESPONSE_EVENT
* @param pParams - advertising parameters
* @return SUCCESS: advertising started,
* bleIncorrectMode: invalid profile role,
* bleAlreadyInRequestedMode: not available at this time,
* bleNotReady: advertising data isn't set up yet.
extern bStatus_t GAP_MakeDiscoverable( uint8 taskID, gapAdvertisingParams_t *pParams );
* @brief Setup or change advertising and scan response data.
* NOTE: if the return status from this function is SUCCESS,
* the task isn't complete until the GAP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_DONE_EVENT
* is sent to the calling application task.
* @param taskID - task ID of the app requesting the change
* @param adType - TRUE - advertisement data, FALSE - scan response data
* @param dataLen - Octet length of advertData
* @param pAdvertData - advertising or scan response data
* @return SUCCESS: data accepted,
* bleIncorrectMode: invalid profile role,
extern bStatus_t GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData( uint8 taskID, uint8 adType,
uint8 dataLen, uint8 *pAdvertData );
* @brief Stops advertising.
* @param taskID - of task that called GAP_MakeDiscoverable
* @return SUCCESS: stopping discoverable mode,
* bleIncorrectMode: not in discoverable mode,
* bleInvalidTaskID: not correct task
extern bStatus_t GAP_EndDiscoverable( uint8 taskID );
* @brief Resolves a private address against an IRK.
* @param pIRK - pointer to the IRK
* @param pAddr - pointer to the Resovable Private address
* @return SUCCESS: match,
* FAILURE: don't match,
* INVALIDPARAMETER: parameters invalid
extern bStatus_t GAP_ResolvePrivateAddr( uint8 *pIRK, uint8 *pAddr );
* FUNCTIONS - Link Establishment
* @brief Establish a link to a slave device.
* @param pParams - link establishment parameters
* @return SUCCESS: started establish link process,
* bleIncorrectMode: invalid profile role,
* bleNotReady: a scan is in progress,
* bleAlreadyInRequestedMode: can’t process now,
* bleNoResources: Too many links
extern bStatus_t GAP_EstablishLinkReq( gapEstLinkReq_t *pParams );
* @brief Terminate a link connection.
* @param taskID - requesting app's task id.
* @param connectionHandle - connection handle of link to terminate
* @param reason - terminate reason.
* @return SUCCESS: Terminate started,
* bleIncorrectMode: No Link to terminate,
* bleInvalidTaskID: not app that established link
extern bStatus_t GAP_TerminateLinkReq( uint8 taskID, uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 reason );
* @brief Update the link parameters to a slave device.
* @param pParams - link update parameters
* @return SUCCESS: started update link process,
* bleIncorrectMode: invalid profile role,
* bleNotConnected: not in a connection
extern bStatus_t GAP_UpdateLinkParamReq( gapUpdateLinkParamReq_t *pParams );
* @brief Returns the number of active connections.
* @return Number of active connections.
extern uint8 GAP_NumActiveConnections( void );
* FUNCTIONS - Pairing
* @brief Start the Authentication process with the requested device.
* This function is used to Initiate/Allow pairing.
* Called by both master and slave device (Central and Peripheral).
* NOTE: This function is called after the link is established.
* @param pParams - Authentication parameters
* @param pPairReq - Enter these parameters if the Pairing Request was already received.
* NULL, if waiting for Pairing Request or if initiating.
* @return SUCCESS,
* bleIncorrectMode: Not correct profile role,
* bleNotConnected,
* bleAlreadyInRequestedMode,
* FAILURE - not workable.
extern bStatus_t GAP_Authenticate( gapAuthParams_t *pParams, gapPairingReq_t *pPairReq );
* @brief Send a Pairing Failed message and end any existing pairing.
* @param connectionHandle - connection handle.
* @param reason - Pairing Failed reason code.
* @return SUCCESS - function was successful,
* bleMemAllocError - memory allocation error,
* INVALIDPARAMETER - one of the parameters were invalid,
* bleNotConnected - link not found,
* bleInvalidRange - one of the parameters were not within range.
extern bStatus_t GAP_TerminateAuth( uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 reason );
* @brief Update the passkey in string format. This function is called by the
* application/profile in response to receiving the
* NOTE: This function is the same as GAP_PasscodeUpdate(), except that
* the passkey is passed in as a string format.
* @param pPasskey - new passkey - pointer to numeric string (ie. "019655" ).
* This string's range is "000000" to "999999".
* @param connectionHandle - connection handle.
* @return SUCCESS: will start pairing with this entry,
* bleIncorrectMode: Link not found,
* INVALIDPARAMETER: passkey == NULL or passkey isn't formatted properly.
extern bStatus_t GAP_PasskeyUpdate( uint8 *pPasskey, uint16 connectionHandle );
* @brief Update the passkey in a numeric value (not string).
* This function is called by the application/profile in response
* to receiving the GAP_PASSKEY_NEEDED_EVENT message.
* NOTE: This function is the same as GAP_PasskeyUpdate(), except that
* the passkey is passed in as a non-string format.
* @param passcode - not string - range: 0 - 999,999.
* @param connectionHandle - connection handle.
* @return SUCCESS: will start pairing with this entry,
* bleIncorrectMode: Link not found,
* INVALIDPARAMETER: passkey == NULL or passkey isn't formatted properly.
extern bStatus_t GAP_PasscodeUpdate( uint32 passcode, uint16 connectionHandle );
* @brief Generate a Slave Requested Security message to the master.
* @param connectionHandle - connection handle.
* @param authReq - Authentication Requirements: Bit 2: MITM, Bits 0-1: bonding (0 - no bonding, 1 - bonding)
* @return SUCCESS: will send,
* bleNotConnected: Link not found,
* bleIncorrectMode: wrong GAP role, must be a Peripheral Role
extern bStatus_t GAP_SendSlaveSecurityRequest( uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 authReq );
* @brief Set up the connection to accept signed data.
* NOTE: This function is called after the link is established.
* @param connectionHandle - connection handle of the signing information
* @param authenticated - TRUE if the signing information is authenticated, FALSE otherwise
* @param pParams - signing parameters
* @return SUCCESS,
* bleIncorrectMode: Not correct profile role,
* bleNotConnected,
* FAILURE: not workable.
extern bStatus_t GAP_Signable( uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 authenticated, smSigningInfo_t *pParams );
* @brief Set up the connection's bound paramaters.
* NOTE: This function is called after the link is established.
* @param connectionHandle - connection handle of the signing information
* @param authenticated - this connection was previously authenticated
* @param pParams - the connected device's security parameters
* @param startEncryption - whether or not to start encryption
* @return SUCCESS,
* bleIncorrectMode: Not correct profile role,
* bleNotConnected,
* FAILURE: not workable.
extern bStatus_t GAP_Bond( uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 authenticated,
smSecurityInfo_t *pParams, uint8 startEncryption );
* @} End GAP_API
* Internal API - These functions are only called from gap.c module.
* @internal
* @brief Setup the device configuration parameters.
* @param taskID - Default task ID to send events.
* @param profileRole - GAP Profile Roles
* @return SUCCESS or bleIncorrectMode
extern bStatus_t GAP_ParamsInit( uint8 taskID, uint8 profileRole );
* @internal
* @brief Setup the device security configuration parameters.
* @param pIRK - pointer to Identity Root Key, NULLKEY (all zeroes) if the app
* wants the GAP to generate the key.
* @param pSRK - pointer to Sign Resolving Key, NULLKEY if the app
* wants the GAP to generate the key.
* @param pSignCounter - 32 bit value used in the SM Signing
* algorithm that shall be initialized to zero and incremented
* with every new signing. This variable must also be maintained
* by the application.
* @return none
extern void GAP_SecParamsInit( uint8 *pIRK, uint8 *pSRK, uint32 *pSignCounter );
* @internal
* @brief Initialize the GAP Peripheral Dev Manager.
* @param none
* @return SUCCESS or bleMemAllocError
extern bStatus_t GAP_PeriDevMgrInit( void );
* @internal
* @brief Initialize the GAP Central Dev Manager.
* @param maxScanResponses - maximum number to scan responses
* we can receive during a device discovery.
* @return SUCCESS or bleMemAllocError
extern bStatus_t GAP_CentDevMgrInit( uint8 maxScanResponses );
* @internal
* @brief Register the GAP Central Connection processing functions.
* @param none
* @return none
extern void GAP_CentConnRegister( void );
* TASK API - These functions must only be called OSAL.
* @internal
* @brief GAP Task initialization function.
* @param taskID - GAP task ID.
* @return void
extern void GAP_Init( uint8 task_id );
* @internal
* @brief GAP Task event processing function.
* @param taskID - GAP task ID
* @param events - GAP events.
* @return events not processed
extern uint16 GAP_ProcessEvent( uint8 task_id, uint16 events );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* GAP_H */