/************************************************************************************************** Phyplus Microelectronics Limited confidential and proprietary. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT: All rights of this software belong to Phyplus Microelectronics Limited ("Phyplus"). Your use of this Software is limited to those specific rights granted under the terms of the business contract, the confidential agreement, the non-disclosure agreement and any other forms of agreements as a customer or a partner of Phyplus. You may not use this Software unless you agree to abide by the terms of these agreements. You acknowledge that the Software may not be modified, copied, distributed or disclosed unless embedded on a Phyplus Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) integrated circuit, either as a product or is integrated into your products. Other than for the aforementioned purposes, you may not use, reproduce, copy, prepare derivative works of, modify, distribute, perform, display or sell this Software and/or its documentation for any purposes. YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL PHYPLUS OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES BE LIABLE OR OBLIGATED UNDER CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, CONTRIBUTION, BREACH OF WARRANTY, OR OTHER LEGAL EQUITABLE THEORY ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR EXPENSES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS OR LOST DATA, COST OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS, TECHNOLOGY, SERVICES, OR ANY CLAIMS BY THIRD PARTIES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY DEFENSE THEREOF), OR OTHER SIMILAR COSTS. **************************************************************************************************/ /** @headerfile: peripheral.h $Date: $Revision: This GAP profile advertises and allows connections. */ #ifndef PERIPHERAL_H #define PERIPHERAL_H #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE #include "rflib_LR.h" #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------- * INCLUDES */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONSTANTS */ /** @defgroup GAPROLE_PROFILE_PARAMETERS GAP Role Parameters * @{ */ #define GAPROLE_PROFILEROLE 0x300 //!< Reading this parameter will return GAP Role type. Read Only. Size is uint8. #define GAPROLE_IRK 0x301 //!< Identity Resolving Key. Read/Write. Size is uint8[KEYLEN]. Default is all 0, which means that the IRK will be randomly generated. #define GAPROLE_SRK 0x302 //!< Signature Resolving Key. Read/Write. Size is uint8[KEYLEN]. Default is all 0, which means that the SRK will be randomly generated. #define GAPROLE_SIGNCOUNTER 0x303 //!< Sign Counter. Read/Write. Size is uint32. Default is 0. #define GAPROLE_BD_ADDR 0x304 //!< Device's Address. Read Only. Size is uint8[B_ADDR_LEN]. This item is read from the controller. #define GAPROLE_ADVERT_ENABLED 0x305 //!< Enable/Disable Advertising. Read/Write. Size is uint8. Default is TRUE=Enabled. #define GAPROLE_ADVERT_OFF_TIME 0x306 //!< Advertising Off Time for Limited advertisements (in milliseconds). Read/Write. Size is uint16. Default is 30 seconds. #define GAPROLE_ADVERT_DATA 0x307 //!< Advertisement Data. Read/Write. Max size is uint8[B_MAX_ADV_LEN]. Default is "02:01:01", which means that it is a Limited Discoverable Advertisement. #define GAPROLE_SCAN_RSP_DATA 0x308 //!< Scan Response Data. Read/Write. Max size is uint8[B_MAX_ADV_LEN]. Defaults to all 0. #define GAPROLE_ADV_EVENT_TYPE 0x309 //!< Advertisement Type. Read/Write. Size is uint8. Default is GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_IND (defined in GAP.h). #define GAPROLE_ADV_DIRECT_TYPE 0x30A //!< Direct Advertisement Address Type. Read/Write. Size is uint8. Default is ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC (defined in GAP.h). #define GAPROLE_ADV_DIRECT_ADDR 0x30B //!< Direct Advertisement Address. Read/Write. Size is uint8[B_ADDR_LEN]. Default is NULL. #define GAPROLE_ADV_CHANNEL_MAP 0x30C //!< Which channels to advertise on. Read/Write Size is uint8. Default is GAP_ADVCHAN_ALL (defined in GAP.h) #define GAPROLE_ADV_FILTER_POLICY 0x30D //!< Filter Policy. Ignored when directed advertising is used. Read/Write. Size is uint8. Default is GAP_FILTER_POLICY_ALL (defined in GAP.h). #define GAPROLE_CONNHANDLE 0x30E //!< Connection Handle. Read Only. Size is uint16. #define GAPROLE_RSSI_READ_RATE 0x30F //!< How often to read the RSSI during a connection. Read/Write. Size is uint16. The value is in milliseconds. Default is 0 = OFF. #define GAPROLE_PARAM_UPDATE_ENABLE 0x310 //!< Slave Connection Parameter Update Enable. Read/Write. Size is uint8. If TRUE then automatic connection parameter update request is sent. Default is FALSE. #define GAPROLE_MIN_CONN_INTERVAL 0x311 //!< Minimum Connection Interval to allow (n * 1.25ms). Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds (0x0006 to 0x0C80). Read/Write. Size is uint16. Default is 7.5 milliseconds (0x0006). #define GAPROLE_MAX_CONN_INTERVAL 0x312 //!< Maximum Connection Interval to allow (n * 1.25ms). Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds (0x0006 to 0x0C80). Read/Write. Size is uint16. Default is 4 seconds (0x0C80). #define GAPROLE_SLAVE_LATENCY 0x313 //!< Update Parameter Slave Latency. Range: 0 - 499. Read/Write. Size is uint16. Default is 0. #define GAPROLE_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER 0x314 //!< Update Parameter Timeout Multiplier (n * 10ms). Range: 100ms to 32 seconds (0x000a - 0x0c80). Read/Write. Size is uint16. Default is 1000. #define GAPROLE_CONN_BD_ADDR 0x315 //!< Address of connected device. Read only. Size is uint8[B_MAX_ADV_LEN]. Set to all zeros when not connected. #define GAPROLE_CONN_INTERVAL 0x316 //!< Current connection interval. Read only. Size is uint16. Range is 7.5ms to 4 seconds (0x0006 to 0x0C80). Default is 0 (no connection). #define GAPROLE_CONN_LATENCY 0x317 //!< Current slave latency. Read only. Size is uint16. Range is 0 to 499. Default is 0 (no slave latency or no connection). #define GAPROLE_CONN_TIMEOUT 0x318 //!< Current timeout value. Read only. size is uint16. Range is 100ms to 32 seconds. Default is 0 (no connection). #define GAPROLE_PARAM_UPDATE_REQ 0x319 //!< Slave Connection Parameter Update Request. Write. Size is uint8. If TRUE then connection parameter update request is sent. #define GAPROLE_STATE 0x31A //!< Reading this parameter will return GAP Peripheral Role State. Read Only. Size is uint8. #define GAPROLE_CONNECTION_INTERVAL 0x31B #define GAPROLE_CONNECTION_LATENCY 0x31C #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE #define GAPROLE_EXT_ADVERT_ENABLED 0x0320 #define GAPROLE_EXT_ADVERT_DATA 0x0321 #define GAPROLE_EXT_SCAN_RSP_DATA 0x0322 #define GAPROLE_EXT_ADV_EVENT_TYPE 0x0323 #endif /** @} End GAPROLE_PROFILE_PARAMETERS */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------- * TYPEDEFS */ /** * GAP Peripheral Role States. */ typedef enum { GAPROLE_INIT = 0, //!< Waiting to be started GAPROLE_STARTED, //!< Started but not advertising GAPROLE_ADVERTISING, //!< Currently Advertising GAPROLE_WAITING, //!< Device is started but not advertising, is in waiting period before advertising again GAPROLE_WAITING_AFTER_TIMEOUT, //!< Device just timed out from a connection but is not yet advertising, is in waiting period before advertising again GAPROLE_CONNECTED, //!< In a connection GAPROLE_CONNECTED_ADV, //!< In a connection + advertising GAPROLE_ERROR //!< Error occurred - invalid state } gaprole_States_t; /** * Possible actions the peripheral device may take if an unsuccessful parameter * update is received. * * Parameters for GAPRole_SendUpdateParam() only */ #define GAPROLE_NO_ACTION 0 // Take no action upon unsuccessful parameter updates #define GAPROLE_RESEND_PARAM_UPDATE 1 // Continue to resend request until successful update #define GAPROLE_TERMINATE_LINK 2 // Terminate link upon unsuccessful parameter updates /*------------------------------------------------------------------- * MACROS */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------- * Profile Callbacks */ /** * Callback when the connection parameteres are updated. */ typedef void (*gapRolesParamUpdateCB_t)( uint16 connInterval, uint16 connSlaveLatency, uint16 connTimeout ); /** * Callback when the device has been started. Callback event to * the Notify of a state change. */ typedef void (*gapRolesStateNotify_t)( gaprole_States_t newState ); /** * Callback when the device has read an new RSSI value during a connection. */ typedef void (*gapRolesRssiRead_t)( int8 newRSSI ); /** * Callback structure - must be setup by the application and used when gapRoles_StartDevice() is called. */ typedef struct { gapRolesStateNotify_t pfnStateChange; //!< Whenever the device changes state gapRolesRssiRead_t pfnRssiRead; //!< When a valid RSSI is read from controller } gapRolesCBs_t; /*------------------------------------------------------------------- * API FUNCTIONS */ #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE // extended advertising typedef unsigned int uintptr_t; typedef void (*pfnGapCB_t) ( uint32_t event, //!< see @ref GapAdvScan_Event_IDs and GapAdvScan_Event_IDs void *pBuf, //!< data potentially accompanying event uintptr_t arg //!< custom application argument that can be return through this callback ); typedef enum { GAP_ADV_DATA_TYPE_ADV, //!< Advertising data GAP_ADV_DATA_TYPE_SCAN_RSP //!< Scan response data } GapAdv_dataTypes_t; #endif /** * @defgroup GAPROLES_PERIPHERAL_API GAP Peripheral Role API Functions * * @{ */ /** * @brief Set a GAP Role parameter. * * NOTE: You can call this function with a GAP Parameter ID and it will set the * GAP Parameter. GAP Parameters are defined in (gap.h). Also, * the "len" field must be set to the size of a "uint16" and the * "pValue" field must point to a "uint16". * * @param param - Profile parameter ID: @ref GAPROLE_PROFILE_PARAMETERS * @param len - length of data to write * @param pValue - pointer to data to write. This is dependent on * the parameter ID and WILL be cast to the appropriate * data type (example: data type of uint16 will be cast to * uint16 pointer). * * @return SUCCESS or INVALIDPARAMETER (invalid paramID) */ extern bStatus_t GAPRole_SetParameter( uint16 param, uint8 len, void *pValue ); /** * @brief Get a GAP Role parameter. * * NOTE: You can call this function with a GAP Parameter ID and it will get a * GAP Parameter. GAP Parameters are defined in (gap.h). Also, the * "pValue" field must point to a "uint16". * * @param param - Profile parameter ID: @ref GAPROLE_PROFILE_PARAMETERS * @param pValue - pointer to location to get the value. This is dependent on * the parameter ID and WILL be cast to the appropriate * data type (example: data type of uint16 will be cast to * uint16 pointer). * * @return SUCCESS or INVALIDPARAMETER (invalid paramID) */ extern bStatus_t GAPRole_GetParameter( uint16 param, void *pValue ); #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE extern bStatus_t GapRoleAdv_loadByHandle(uint8 handle, GapAdv_dataTypes_t dataType, uint16 len, uint8 *pBuf); #endif /** * @brief Does the device initialization. Only call this function once. * * @param pAppCallbacks - pointer to application callbacks. * * @return SUCCESS or bleAlreadyInRequestedMode */ extern bStatus_t GAPRole_StartDevice( gapRolesCBs_t *pAppCallbacks ); /** * @brief Terminates the existing connection. * * @return SUCCESS or bleIncorrectMode */ extern bStatus_t GAPRole_TerminateConnection( void ); /** * @brief Update the parameters of an existing connection * * @param connInterval - the new connection interval * @param latency - the new slave latency * @param connTimeout - the new timeout value * @param handleFailure - what to do if the update does not occur. * Method may choose to terminate connection, try again, or take no action * * @return SUCCESS, bleNotConnected or bleInvalidRange */ extern bStatus_t GAPRole_SendUpdateParam( uint16 minConnInterval, uint16 maxConnInterval, uint16 latency, uint16 connTimeout, uint8 handleFailure ); /** * @brief Register application's callbacks. * * @param pParamUpdateCB - pointer to param update callback. * * @return none */ extern void GAPRole_RegisterAppCBs( gapRolesParamUpdateCB_t *pParamUpdateCB ); /** * @} End GAPROLES_PERIPHERAL_API */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------- * TASK FUNCTIONS - Don't call these. These are system functions. */ /** * @internal * * @brief Initialization function for the GAP Role Task. * This is called during initialization and should contain * any application specific initialization (ie. hardware * initialization/setup, table initialization, power up * notificaiton ... ). * * @param the ID assigned by OSAL. This ID should be * used to send messages and set timers. * * @return void */ extern void GAPRole_Init( uint8 task_id ); /** * @internal * * @brief GAP Role Task event processor. * This function is called to process all events for the task. * Events include timers, messages and any other user defined * events. * * @param task_id - The OSAL assigned task ID. * @param events - events to process. This is a bit map and can * contain more than one event. * * @return events not processed */ extern uint16 GAPRole_ProcessEvent( uint8 task_id, uint16 events ); /*------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE extern bStatus_t GAP_UpdateExtAdvertisingData( uint8 taskID, uint16_t adType, uint8 dataLen, uint8 *pAdvertData ); /** * GAP Advertiser bitfields to enable / disable callback events * * These are used in @ref GapAdv_setEventMask * The events that that these flags control are defined in * @ref GapAdvScan_Event_IDs */ // Advertising Scan Request Notification Flag #define AE_NOTIFY_DISABLE_SCAN_REQUEST ~BV(0) #define AE_NOTIFY_ENABLE_SCAN_REQUEST BV(0) #define AE_NOTIFY #define AE_NOTIFY_DISABLE_ADV_SET_START ~BV(4) #define AE_NOTIFY_ENABLE_ADV_SET_START BV(4) #define AE_NOTIFY_DISABLE_ADV_START ~BV(5) #define AE_NOTIFY_ENABLE_ADV_START BV(5) #define AE_NOTIFY_DISABLE_ADV_END ~BV(6) #define AE_NOTIFY_ENABLE_ADV_END BV(6) #define AE_NOTIFY_DISABLE_ADV_SET_END ~BV(7) #define AE_NOTIFY_ENABLE_ADV_SET_END BV(7) typedef enum { /** * Enables / disables the @ref GAP_EVT_SCAN_REQ_RECEIVED event */ GAP_ADV_EVT_MASK_SCAN_REQ_NOTI = AE_NOTIFY_ENABLE_SCAN_REQUEST, /** * Enables / disables the @ref GAP_EVT_ADV_SET_TERMINATED event */ GAP_ADV_EVT_MASK_SET_TERMINATED = BV(1), /** * Enables / disables the @ref GAP_EVT_ADV_START_AFTER_ENABLE event */ GAP_ADV_EVT_MASK_START_AFTER_ENABLE = AE_NOTIFY_ENABLE_ADV_SET_START, /** * Enables / disables the @ref GAP_EVT_ADV_START event */ GAP_ADV_EVT_MASK_START = AE_NOTIFY_ENABLE_ADV_START, /** * Enables / disables the @ref GAP_EVT_ADV_END event */ GAP_ADV_EVT_MASK_END = AE_NOTIFY_ENABLE_ADV_END, /** * Enables / disables the @ref GAP_EVT_ADV_END_AFTER_DISABLE event */ GAP_ADV_EVT_MASK_END_AFTER_DISABLE = AE_NOTIFY_ENABLE_ADV_SET_END, /** * Mask to enables / disable all advertising events */ GAP_ADV_EVT_MASK_ALL = GAP_ADV_EVT_MASK_SCAN_REQ_NOTI | GAP_ADV_EVT_MASK_START_AFTER_ENABLE | GAP_ADV_EVT_MASK_START | GAP_ADV_EVT_MASK_END | GAP_ADV_EVT_MASK_END_AFTER_DISABLE | GAP_ADV_EVT_MASK_SET_TERMINATED, /// @cond NODOC /** * Used to set this to 16 bits for future events */ GAP_ADV_EVT_MASK_RESERVED = BV(15) /// @endcond // NODOC } GapAdv_eventMaskFlags_t; /// Enable options for @ref GapAdv_enable typedef enum { /** * Use the maximum possible value. This is the spec-defined maximum for * directed advertising and infinite advertising for all other types */ GAP_ADV_ENABLE_OPTIONS_USE_MAX, /** * Use the user-specified duration */ GAP_ADV_ENABLE_OPTIONS_USE_DURATION, /** * Use the user-specified maximum number of events */ GAP_ADV_ENABLE_OPTIONS_USE_MAX_EVENTS, } GapAdv_enableOptions_t; extern bStatus_t GapAdv_create(pfnGapCB_t *cb, Gap_ExtAdv_Param *advParam, uint8 *advHandle); bStatus_t GapAdv_loadByHandle(uint8 handle, GapAdv_dataTypes_t dataType, uint16 len, uint8 *pBuf); extern bStatus_t GapAdv_setEventMask(uint8 handle, GapAdv_eventMaskFlags_t mask); extern bStatus_t GapAdv_enable(uint8 handle, GapAdv_enableOptions_t enableOptions, uint16 durationOrMaxEvents); extern bStatus_t GapAdv_UpdateParameter(uint8 *pBuf); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* PERIPHERAL_H */