/************************************************************************************************** Phyplus Microelectronics Limited confidential and proprietary. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT: All rights of this software belong to Phyplus Microelectronics Limited ("Phyplus"). Your use of this Software is limited to those specific rights granted under the terms of the business contract, the confidential agreement, the non-disclosure agreement and any other forms of agreements as a customer or a partner of Phyplus. You may not use this Software unless you agree to abide by the terms of these agreements. You acknowledge that the Software may not be modified, copied, distributed or disclosed unless embedded on a Phyplus Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) integrated circuit, either as a product or is integrated into your products. Other than for the aforementioned purposes, you may not use, reproduce, copy, prepare derivative works of, modify, distribute, perform, display or sell this Software and/or its documentation for any purposes. YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL PHYPLUS OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES BE LIABLE OR OBLIGATED UNDER CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, CONTRIBUTION, BREACH OF WARRANTY, OR OTHER LEGAL EQUITABLE THEORY ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR EXPENSES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS OR LOST DATA, COST OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS, TECHNOLOGY, SERVICES, OR ANY CLAIMS BY THIRD PARTIES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY DEFENSE THEREOF), OR OTHER SIMILAR COSTS. **************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************** Filename: peripheral.c Revised: Revision: Description: GAP Peripheral Role **************************************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* * INCLUDES */ #include "bcomdef.h" #include "OSAL.h" #include "hci_tl.h" #include "l2cap.h" #include "gap.h" #include "linkdb.h" #include "att.h" #include "gatt.h" #include "osal_snv.h" #include "log.h" #include "peripheral.h" #include "gapbondmgr.h" #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE #include "rf_phy_driver.h" #endif /********************************************************************* * MACROS */ /********************************************************************* * CONSTANTS */ // Profile Events #define START_ADVERTISING_EVT 0x0001 // Start Advertising #define RSSI_READ_EVT 0x0002 // Read RSSI #define START_CONN_UPDATE_EVT 0x0004 // Start Connection Update Procedure #define CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT_EVT 0x0008 // Connection Parameters Update Timeout #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE #define START_SECOND_ADVERTISING_EVENT 0x0010 #endif #define DEFAULT_ADVERT_OFF_TIME 30000 // 30 seconds #define RSSI_NOT_AVAILABLE 127 #define DEFAULT_MIN_CONN_INTERVAL 0x0006 // 100 milliseconds #define DEFAULT_MAX_CONN_INTERVAL 0x0C80 // 4 seconds #define MIN_CONN_INTERVAL 0x0006 #define MAX_CONN_INTERVAL 0x0C80 #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER 1000 #define CONN_INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER 6 #define MIN_SLAVE_LATENCY 0 #define MAX_SLAVE_LATENCY 500 #define MIN_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER 0x000a #define MAX_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER 0x0c80 #define MAX_TIMEOUT_VALUE 0xFFFF /********************************************************************* * TYPEDEFS */ /********************************************************************* * GLOBAL VARIABLES */ /********************************************************************* * EXTERNAL VARIABLES */ /********************************************************************* * EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS */ /********************************************************************* * LOCAL VARIABLES */ static uint8 gapRole_TaskID; // Task ID for internal task/event processing static gaprole_States_t gapRole_state; /********************************************************************* * Profile Parameters - reference GAPROLE_PROFILE_PARAMETERS for * descriptions */ static uint8 gapRole_profileRole; static uint8 gapRole_IRK[KEYLEN]; static uint8 gapRole_SRK[KEYLEN]; static uint32 gapRole_signCounter; static uint8 gapRole_bdAddr[B_ADDR_LEN]; uint8 gapRole_AdvEnabled = FALSE; #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE static uint8 gapRole_ExtAdvEnabled = FALSE; #endif static uint16 gapRole_AdvertOffTime = DEFAULT_ADVERT_OFF_TIME; static uint8 gapRole_AdvertDataLen = 3; static uint8 gapRole_AdvertData[B_MAX_ADV_LEN] = { 0x02, // length of this data GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS, // AD Type = Flags // Limited Discoverable & BR/EDR not supported (GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_GENERAL | GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_BREDR_NOT_SUPPORTED), 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; static uint8 gapRole_ScanRspDataLen = 0; static uint8 gapRole_ScanRspData[B_MAX_ADV_LEN] = {0}; uint8 gapRole_AdvEventType; static uint8 gapRole_AdvDirectType; static uint8 gapRole_AdvDirectAddr[B_ADDR_LEN] = {0}; static uint8 gapRole_AdvChanMap; static uint8 gapRole_AdvFilterPolicy; static uint16 gapRole_ConnectionHandle = INVALID_CONNHANDLE; static uint16 gapRole_ConnectionInterval = 0; static uint16 gapRole_ConnectionLatency = 0; static uint16 gapRole_RSSIReadRate = 0; static uint8 gapRole_ConnectedDevAddr[B_ADDR_LEN] = {0}; static uint8 gapRole_ParamUpdateEnable = FALSE; static uint16 gapRole_MinConnInterval = DEFAULT_MIN_CONN_INTERVAL; static uint16 gapRole_MaxConnInterval = DEFAULT_MAX_CONN_INTERVAL; static uint16 gapRole_SlaveLatency = MIN_SLAVE_LATENCY; static uint16 gapRole_TimeoutMultiplier = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER; static uint16 gapRole_ConnInterval = 0; static uint16 gapRole_ConnSlaveLatency = 0; static uint16 gapRole_ConnTimeout = 0; static uint8 paramUpdateNoSuccessOption = GAPROLE_NO_ACTION; // Application callbacks static gapRolesCBs_t *pGapRoles_AppCGs = NULL; static gapRolesParamUpdateCB_t *pGapRoles_ParamUpdateCB = NULL; /********************************************************************* * Profile Attributes - variables */ /********************************************************************* * Profile Attributes - Table */ /********************************************************************* * LOCAL FUNCTIONS */ static void gapRole_ProcessOSALMsg( osal_event_hdr_t *pMsg ); static void gapRole_ProcessGAPMsg( gapEventHdr_t *pMsg ); static void gapRole_SetupGAP( void ); static void gapRole_HandleParamUpdateNoSuccess( void ); static void gapRole_startConnUpdate( uint8 handleFailure ); #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE extern volatile uint8_t g_rfPhyPktFmt; #endif /********************************************************************* * NETWORK LAYER CALLBACKS */ /********************************************************************* * PUBLIC FUNCTIONS */ /********************************************************************* * @brief Set a GAP Role parameter. * * Public function defined in peripheral.h. */ bStatus_t GAPRole_SetParameter( uint16 param, uint8 len, void *pValue ) { bStatus_t ret = SUCCESS; switch ( param ) { case GAPROLE_IRK: if ( len == KEYLEN ) { VOID osal_memcpy( gapRole_IRK, pValue, KEYLEN ) ; } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case GAPROLE_SRK: if ( len == KEYLEN ) { VOID osal_memcpy( gapRole_SRK, pValue, KEYLEN ) ; } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case GAPROLE_SIGNCOUNTER: if ( len == sizeof ( uint32 ) ) { gapRole_signCounter = *((uint32*)pValue); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case GAPROLE_ADVERT_ENABLED: if ( len == sizeof( uint8 ) ) { uint8 oldAdvEnabled = gapRole_AdvEnabled; gapRole_AdvEnabled = *((uint8*)pValue); if ( (oldAdvEnabled) && (gapRole_AdvEnabled == FALSE) ) { // Turn off Advertising if ( ( gapRole_state == GAPROLE_ADVERTISING ) || ( gapRole_state == GAPROLE_CONNECTED_ADV ) || ( gapRole_state == GAPROLE_WAITING_AFTER_TIMEOUT ) ) { VOID GAP_EndDiscoverable( gapRole_TaskID ); } } else if ( (oldAdvEnabled == FALSE) && (gapRole_AdvEnabled) ) { // Turn on Advertising if ( (gapRole_state == GAPROLE_STARTED) || (gapRole_state == GAPROLE_WAITING) || (gapRole_state == GAPROLE_CONNECTED) || (gapRole_state == GAPROLE_WAITING_AFTER_TIMEOUT) ) { VOID osal_set_event( gapRole_TaskID, START_ADVERTISING_EVT ); } } } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case GAPROLE_ADVERT_OFF_TIME: if ( len == sizeof ( uint16 ) ) { gapRole_AdvertOffTime = *((uint16*)pValue); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case GAPROLE_ADVERT_DATA: if ( len <= B_MAX_ADV_LEN ) { VOID osal_memset( gapRole_AdvertData, 0, B_MAX_ADV_LEN ); VOID osal_memcpy( gapRole_AdvertData, pValue, len ); gapRole_AdvertDataLen = len; // Update the advertising data ret = GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData( gapRole_TaskID, TRUE, len, gapRole_AdvertData ); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case GAPROLE_SCAN_RSP_DATA: if ( len <= B_MAX_ADV_LEN ) { VOID osal_memset( gapRole_ScanRspData, 0, B_MAX_ADV_LEN ); VOID osal_memcpy( gapRole_ScanRspData, pValue, len ); gapRole_ScanRspDataLen = len; // Update the Response Data ret = GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData( gapRole_TaskID, FALSE, gapRole_ScanRspDataLen, gapRole_ScanRspData ); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case GAPROLE_ADV_EVENT_TYPE: if ( (len == sizeof ( uint8 )) && (*((uint8*)pValue) <= GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_LDC_DIRECT_IND) ) { gapRole_AdvEventType = *((uint8*)pValue); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case GAPROLE_ADV_DIRECT_TYPE: if ( (len == sizeof ( uint8 )) && (*((uint8*)pValue) <= ADDRTYPE_PRIVATE_RESOLVE) ) { gapRole_AdvDirectType = *((uint8*)pValue); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case GAPROLE_ADV_DIRECT_ADDR: if ( len == B_ADDR_LEN ) { VOID osal_memcpy( gapRole_AdvDirectAddr, pValue, B_ADDR_LEN ) ; } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case GAPROLE_ADV_CHANNEL_MAP: if ( (len == sizeof ( uint8 )) && (*((uint8*)pValue) <= 0x07) ) { gapRole_AdvChanMap = *((uint8*)pValue); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case GAPROLE_ADV_FILTER_POLICY: if ( (len == sizeof ( uint8 )) && (*((uint8*)pValue) <= GAP_FILTER_POLICY_WHITE) ) { gapRole_AdvFilterPolicy = *((uint8*)pValue); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case GAPROLE_RSSI_READ_RATE: if ( len == sizeof ( uint16 ) ) { gapRole_RSSIReadRate = *((uint16*)pValue); if ( (gapRole_RSSIReadRate) && (gapRole_state == GAPROLE_CONNECTED) ) { // Start the RSSI Reads VOID osal_start_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, RSSI_READ_EVT, gapRole_RSSIReadRate ); } } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case GAPROLE_PARAM_UPDATE_ENABLE: if ( (len == sizeof ( uint8 )) && (*((uint8*)pValue) <= TRUE) ) { gapRole_ParamUpdateEnable = *((uint8*)pValue); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case GAPROLE_MIN_CONN_INTERVAL: { uint16 newInterval = *((uint16*)pValue); if ( len == sizeof ( uint16 ) && ( newInterval >= MIN_CONN_INTERVAL ) && ( newInterval <= MAX_CONN_INTERVAL ) ) { gapRole_MinConnInterval = newInterval; } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } } break; case GAPROLE_MAX_CONN_INTERVAL: { uint16 newInterval = *((uint16*)pValue); if ( len == sizeof ( uint16 ) && ( newInterval >= MIN_CONN_INTERVAL) && ( newInterval <= MAX_CONN_INTERVAL) ) { gapRole_MaxConnInterval = newInterval; } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } } break; case GAPROLE_SLAVE_LATENCY: { uint16 latency = *((uint16*)pValue); if ( len == sizeof ( uint16 ) && (latency < MAX_SLAVE_LATENCY) ) { gapRole_SlaveLatency = latency; } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } } break; case GAPROLE_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER: { uint16 newTimeout = *((uint16*)pValue); if ( len == sizeof ( uint16 ) && (newTimeout >= MIN_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER) && (newTimeout <= MAX_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER) ) { gapRole_TimeoutMultiplier = newTimeout; } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } } break; case GAPROLE_PARAM_UPDATE_REQ: { uint8 req = *((uint8*)pValue); if ( len == sizeof ( uint8 ) && (req == TRUE) ) { // Make sure we don't send an L2CAP Connection Parameter Update Request // command within TGAP(conn_param_timeout) of an L2CAP Connection Parameter // Update Response being received. if ( osal_get_timeoutEx( gapRole_TaskID, CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT_EVT ) == 0 ) { // Start connection update procedure gapRole_startConnUpdate( GAPROLE_NO_ACTION ); // Connection update requested by app, cancel such pending procedure (if active) VOID osal_stop_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, START_CONN_UPDATE_EVT ); } else { ret = blePending; } } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } } break; #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE case GAPROLE_EXT_ADVERT_ENABLED: if ( len == sizeof( uint8 ) ) { gapRole_ExtAdvEnabled = *((uint8*)pValue); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; #endif default: // The param value isn't part of this profile, try the GAP. if ( (param < TGAP_PARAMID_MAX) && (len == sizeof ( uint16 )) ) { ret = GAP_SetParamValue( param, *((uint16*)pValue) ); } else { ret = INVALIDPARAMETER; } break; } return ( ret ); } /********************************************************************* * @brief Get a GAP Role parameter. * * Public function defined in peripheral.h. */ bStatus_t GAPRole_GetParameter( uint16 param, void *pValue ) { bStatus_t ret = SUCCESS; switch ( param ) { case GAPROLE_PROFILEROLE: *((uint8*)pValue) = gapRole_profileRole; break; case GAPROLE_IRK: VOID osal_memcpy( pValue, gapRole_IRK, KEYLEN ) ; break; case GAPROLE_SRK: VOID osal_memcpy( pValue, gapRole_SRK, KEYLEN ) ; break; case GAPROLE_SIGNCOUNTER: *((uint32*)pValue) = gapRole_signCounter; break; case GAPROLE_BD_ADDR: VOID osal_memcpy( pValue, gapRole_bdAddr, B_ADDR_LEN ) ; break; case GAPROLE_ADVERT_ENABLED: *((uint8*)pValue) = gapRole_AdvEnabled; break; case GAPROLE_ADVERT_OFF_TIME: *((uint16*)pValue) = gapRole_AdvertOffTime; break; case GAPROLE_ADVERT_DATA: VOID osal_memcpy( pValue , gapRole_AdvertData, gapRole_AdvertDataLen ); break; case GAPROLE_SCAN_RSP_DATA: VOID osal_memcpy( pValue, gapRole_ScanRspData, gapRole_ScanRspDataLen ) ; break; case GAPROLE_ADV_EVENT_TYPE: *((uint8*)pValue) = gapRole_AdvEventType; break; case GAPROLE_ADV_DIRECT_TYPE: *((uint8*)pValue) = gapRole_AdvDirectType; break; case GAPROLE_ADV_DIRECT_ADDR: VOID osal_memcpy( pValue, gapRole_AdvDirectAddr, B_ADDR_LEN ) ; break; case GAPROLE_ADV_CHANNEL_MAP: *((uint8*)pValue) = gapRole_AdvChanMap; break; case GAPROLE_ADV_FILTER_POLICY: *((uint8*)pValue) = gapRole_AdvFilterPolicy; break; case GAPROLE_CONNHANDLE: *((uint16*)pValue) = gapRole_ConnectionHandle; break; case GAPROLE_RSSI_READ_RATE: *((uint16*)pValue) = gapRole_RSSIReadRate; break; case GAPROLE_PARAM_UPDATE_ENABLE: *((uint16*)pValue) = gapRole_ParamUpdateEnable; break; case GAPROLE_MIN_CONN_INTERVAL: *((uint16*)pValue) = gapRole_MinConnInterval; break; case GAPROLE_MAX_CONN_INTERVAL: *((uint16*)pValue) = gapRole_MaxConnInterval; break; case GAPROLE_SLAVE_LATENCY: *((uint16*)pValue) = gapRole_SlaveLatency; break; case GAPROLE_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER: *((uint16*)pValue) = gapRole_TimeoutMultiplier; break; case GAPROLE_CONN_BD_ADDR: VOID osal_memcpy( pValue, gapRole_ConnectedDevAddr, B_ADDR_LEN ) ; break; case GAPROLE_CONN_INTERVAL: *((uint16*)pValue) = gapRole_ConnInterval; break; case GAPROLE_CONN_LATENCY: *((uint16*)pValue) = gapRole_ConnSlaveLatency; break; case GAPROLE_CONN_TIMEOUT: *((uint16*)pValue) = gapRole_ConnTimeout; break; case GAPROLE_STATE: *((uint8*)pValue) = gapRole_state; break; case GAPROLE_CONNECTION_INTERVAL: *((uint16*)pValue) = gapRole_ConnectionInterval; break; case GAPROLE_CONNECTION_LATENCY: *((uint16*)pValue) = gapRole_ConnectionLatency; break; #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE case GAPROLE_EXT_ADVERT_ENABLED: *((uint8*)pValue) = gapRole_ExtAdvEnabled; break; #endif default: // The param value isn't part of this profile, try the GAP. if ( param < TGAP_PARAMID_MAX ) { *((uint16*)pValue) = GAP_GetParamValue( param ); } else { ret = INVALIDPARAMETER; } break; } return ( ret ); } /********************************************************************* * @brief Does the device initialization. * * Public function defined in peripheral.h. */ bStatus_t GAPRole_StartDevice( gapRolesCBs_t *pAppCallbacks ) { if ( gapRole_state == GAPROLE_INIT ) { // Clear all of the Application callbacks if ( pAppCallbacks ) { pGapRoles_AppCGs = pAppCallbacks; } // Start the GAP gapRole_SetupGAP(); return ( SUCCESS ); } else { return ( bleAlreadyInRequestedMode ); } } /********************************************************************* * @brief Register application's callbacks. * * Public function defined in peripheral.h. */ void GAPRole_RegisterAppCBs( gapRolesParamUpdateCB_t *pParamUpdateCB ) { if ( pParamUpdateCB != NULL ) { pGapRoles_ParamUpdateCB = pParamUpdateCB; } } /********************************************************************* * @brief Terminates the existing connection. * * Public function defined in peripheral.h. */ bStatus_t GAPRole_TerminateConnection( void ) { if ( gapRole_state == GAPROLE_CONNECTED ) { return ( GAP_TerminateLinkReq( gapRole_TaskID, gapRole_ConnectionHandle, HCI_DISCONNECT_REMOTE_USER_TERM ) ); } else { return ( bleIncorrectMode ); } } /********************************************************************* * LOCAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES */ /********************************************************************* * @brief Task Initialization function. * * Internal function defined in peripheral.h. */ void GAPRole_Init( uint8 task_id ) { gapRole_TaskID = task_id; gapRole_state = GAPROLE_INIT; gapRole_ConnectionHandle = INVALID_CONNHANDLE; GAP_RegisterForHCIMsgs( gapRole_TaskID ); // Initialize the Profile Advertising and Connection Parameters gapRole_profileRole = GAP_PROFILE_PERIPHERAL; VOID osal_memset( gapRole_IRK, 0, KEYLEN ); VOID osal_memset( gapRole_SRK, 0, KEYLEN ); gapRole_signCounter = 0; gapRole_AdvEventType = GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_IND; gapRole_AdvDirectType = ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC; gapRole_AdvChanMap = GAP_ADVCHAN_37;// GAP_ADVCHAN_ALL; gapRole_AdvFilterPolicy = GAP_FILTER_POLICY_ALL; // Restore Items from NV // VOID osal_snv_read( BLE_NVID_IRK, KEYLEN, gapRole_IRK ); // VOID osal_snv_read( BLE_NVID_CSRK, KEYLEN, gapRole_SRK ); // VOID osal_snv_read( BLE_NVID_SIGNCOUNTER, sizeof( uint32 ), &gapRole_signCounter ); } /********************************************************************* * @brief Task Event Processor function. * * Internal function defined in peripheral.h. */ uint16 GAPRole_ProcessEvent( uint8 task_id, uint16 events ) { VOID task_id; // OSAL required parameter that isn't used in this function if ( events & SYS_EVENT_MSG ) { uint8 *pMsg; if ( (pMsg = osal_msg_receive( gapRole_TaskID )) != NULL ) { gapRole_ProcessOSALMsg( (osal_event_hdr_t *)pMsg ); // Release the OSAL message VOID osal_msg_deallocate( pMsg ); } // return unprocessed events return (events ^ SYS_EVENT_MSG); } if ( events & GAP_EVENT_SIGN_COUNTER_CHANGED ) { // Sign counter changed, save it to NV // VOID osal_snv_write( BLE_NVID_SIGNCOUNTER, sizeof( uint32 ), &gapRole_signCounter ); return ( events ^ GAP_EVENT_SIGN_COUNTER_CHANGED ); } if ( events & START_ADVERTISING_EVT ) { if ( gapRole_AdvEnabled ) { gapAdvertisingParams_t params; // Setup advertisement parameters if ( gapRole_state == GAPROLE_CONNECTED ) { // While in a connection, we can only advertise non-connectable undirected. params.eventType = GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_NONCONN_IND; } else { params.eventType = gapRole_AdvEventType; params.initiatorAddrType = gapRole_AdvDirectType; VOID osal_memcpy( params.initiatorAddr, gapRole_AdvDirectAddr, B_ADDR_LEN ); } params.channelMap = gapRole_AdvChanMap; params.filterPolicy = gapRole_AdvFilterPolicy; uint8 ret = GAP_MakeDiscoverable( gapRole_TaskID, ¶ms ); if ( ret != SUCCESS ) { gapRole_state = GAPROLE_ERROR; // Notify the application with the new state change if ( pGapRoles_AppCGs && pGapRoles_AppCGs->pfnStateChange ) { pGapRoles_AppCGs->pfnStateChange( gapRole_state ); } } } return ( events ^ START_ADVERTISING_EVT ); } #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE if( events & START_SECOND_ADVERTISING_EVENT) { if( gapRole_ExtAdvEnabled ) { if( GAP_EXTADV_MAKEDiscoverable(gapRole_TaskID, TRUE) != SUCCESS ) { gapRole_state = GAPROLE_ERROR; // Notify the application with the new state change if ( pGapRoles_AppCGs && pGapRoles_AppCGs->pfnStateChange ) { pGapRoles_AppCGs->pfnStateChange( gapRole_state ); } } } return ( events ^ START_SECOND_ADVERTISING_EVENT ); } #endif if ( events & RSSI_READ_EVT ) { // Only get RSSI when in a connection if ( gapRole_state == GAPROLE_CONNECTED ) { // Ask for RSSI VOID HCI_ReadRssiCmd( gapRole_ConnectionHandle ); // Setup next event if ( gapRole_RSSIReadRate ) { VOID osal_start_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, RSSI_READ_EVT, gapRole_RSSIReadRate ); } } return ( events ^ RSSI_READ_EVT ); } if ( events & START_CONN_UPDATE_EVT ) { // Start connection update procedure gapRole_startConnUpdate( GAPROLE_NO_ACTION ); return ( events ^ START_CONN_UPDATE_EVT ); } if ( events & CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT_EVT ) { // Unsuccessful in updating connection parameters gapRole_HandleParamUpdateNoSuccess(); return ( events ^ CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT_EVT ); } // Discard unknown events return 0; } /********************************************************************* * @fn gapRole_ProcessOSALMsg * * @brief Process an incoming task message. * * @param pMsg - message to process * * @return none */ static void gapRole_ProcessOSALMsg( osal_event_hdr_t *pMsg ) { switch ( pMsg->event ) { case HCI_GAP_EVENT_EVENT: //LOG("GAP EVT[%d]\n", pMsg->status); if ( pMsg->status == HCI_COMMAND_COMPLETE_EVENT_CODE ) { hciEvt_CmdComplete_t *pPkt = (hciEvt_CmdComplete_t *)pMsg; if ( pPkt->cmdOpcode == HCI_READ_RSSI ) { int8 rssi = (int8)pPkt->pReturnParam[3]; if ( (gapRole_state == GAPROLE_CONNECTED) && (rssi != RSSI_NOT_AVAILABLE) ) { // Report RSSI to app if ( pGapRoles_AppCGs && pGapRoles_AppCGs->pfnRssiRead ) { pGapRoles_AppCGs->pfnRssiRead( rssi ); } } } else if(pPkt->cmdOpcode == HCI_LE_SET_DATA_LENGTH) { LOG("[HCI DLE]%d %d %d\n",pPkt->pReturnParam[0],pPkt->pReturnParam[1],pPkt->pReturnParam[2]); } } else if(pMsg->status==HCI_COMMAND_STATUS_EVENT_CODE) { hciEvt_CommandStatus_t *pPkt = (hciEvt_CommandStatus_t *)pMsg; if ( pPkt->cmdOpcode == HCI_LE_SET_PHY ) { AT_LOG("[HCI PHY] %2x \n",pPkt->cmdStatus); } } else if(pMsg->status==HCI_LE_EVENT_CODE) { hciEvt_BLEEvent_Hdr_t *pPkt = (hciEvt_BLEEvent_Hdr_t *)pMsg; if ( pPkt->BLEEventCode == HCI_BLE_DATA_LENGTH_CHANGE_EVENT ) { // hciEvt_BLEDataLenChange_t * pkt = (hciEvt_BLEDataLenChange_t *)pMsg; // AT_LOG("[HCI DLE EVT]%d %d %d %d\n",pkt->MaxRxOctets,pkt->MaxRxTime, // pkt->MaxTxOctets,pkt->MaxTxTime); } else if(pPkt->BLEEventCode == HCI_BLE_PHY_UPDATE_COMPLETE_EVENT ) { // hciEvt_BLEPhyUpdateComplete_t * pkt = (hciEvt_BLEPhyUpdateComplete_t *)pMsg; // AT_LOG("[HCI PHY EVT]s%d r%d t%d\n",pkt->status, pkt->rxPhy,pkt->txPhy); } } break; case GAP_MSG_EVENT: gapRole_ProcessGAPMsg( (gapEventHdr_t *)pMsg ); break; case L2CAP_SIGNAL_EVENT: { l2capSignalEvent_t *pPkt = (l2capSignalEvent_t *)pMsg; // Process the Parameter Update Response if ( pPkt->opcode == L2CAP_PARAM_UPDATE_RSP ) { l2capParamUpdateRsp_t *pRsp = (l2capParamUpdateRsp_t *)&(pPkt->cmd.updateRsp); if ( ( pRsp->result == L2CAP_CONN_PARAMS_REJECTED ) && ( paramUpdateNoSuccessOption == GAPROLE_TERMINATE_LINK ) ) { // Cancel connection param update timeout timer VOID osal_stop_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT_EVT ); // Terminate connection immediately GAPRole_TerminateConnection(); } else { uint16 timeout = GAP_GetParamValue( TGAP_CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT ); // Let's wait for Controller to update connection parameters if they're // accepted. Otherwise, decide what to do based on no success option. VOID osal_start_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT_EVT, timeout ); } } } break; default: break; } } /********************************************************************* * @fn gapRole_ProcessGAPMsg * * @brief Process an incoming task message. * * @param pMsg - message to process * * @return none */ static void gapRole_ProcessGAPMsg( gapEventHdr_t *pMsg ) { uint8 notify = FALSE; // State changed notify the app? (default no) #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE uint8 LegacyAdvEnable = FALSE; uint8 SecondAdvEnable = FALSE; gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t *pPktsec = (gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t *)pMsg; bStatus_t statsec = pPktsec->hdr.status; GAPRole_GetParameter(GAPROLE_ADVERT_ENABLED,&LegacyAdvEnable); GAPRole_GetParameter(GAPROLE_EXT_ADVERT_ENABLED , &SecondAdvEnable); if( LegacyAdvEnable ) { #endif switch ( pMsg->opcode ) { case GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT: { gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t *pPkt = (gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t *)pMsg; bStatus_t stat = pPkt->hdr.status; if ( stat == SUCCESS ) { // Save off the generated keys // VOID osal_snv_write( BLE_NVID_IRK, KEYLEN, gapRole_IRK ); // VOID osal_snv_write( BLE_NVID_CSRK, KEYLEN, gapRole_SRK ); // Save off the information VOID osal_memcpy( gapRole_bdAddr, pPkt->devAddr, B_ADDR_LEN ); gapRole_state = GAPROLE_STARTED; // Update the advertising data stat = GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData( gapRole_TaskID, TRUE, gapRole_AdvertDataLen, gapRole_AdvertData ); } if ( stat != SUCCESS ) { gapRole_state = GAPROLE_ERROR; } notify = TRUE; } break; case GAP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_DONE_EVENT: { gapAdvDataUpdateEvent_t *pPkt = (gapAdvDataUpdateEvent_t *)pMsg; if ( pPkt->hdr.status == SUCCESS ) { if ( pPkt->adType ) { // Setup the Response Data pPkt->hdr.status = GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData( gapRole_TaskID, FALSE, gapRole_ScanRspDataLen, gapRole_ScanRspData ); } else if ( ( gapRole_state != GAPROLE_ADVERTISING ) && ( osal_get_timeoutEx( gapRole_TaskID, START_ADVERTISING_EVT ) == 0 ) ) { // Start advertising VOID osal_set_event( gapRole_TaskID, START_ADVERTISING_EVT ); } } if ( pPkt->hdr.status != SUCCESS ) { // Set into Error state gapRole_state = GAPROLE_ERROR; notify = TRUE; } } break; case GAP_MAKE_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT: case GAP_END_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT: { gapMakeDiscoverableRspEvent_t *pPkt = (gapMakeDiscoverableRspEvent_t *)pMsg; if ( pPkt->hdr.status == SUCCESS ) { if ( pMsg->opcode == GAP_MAKE_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT ) { if (gapRole_state == GAPROLE_CONNECTED) { gapRole_state = GAPROLE_CONNECTED_ADV; } else { gapRole_state = GAPROLE_ADVERTISING; } } else // GAP_END_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT { if ( gapRole_AdvertOffTime != 0 ) { if ( ( gapRole_AdvEnabled ) ) { VOID osal_start_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, START_ADVERTISING_EVT, gapRole_AdvertOffTime ); } } else { // Since gapRole_AdvertOffTime is set to 0, the device should not // automatically become discoverable again after a period of time. // Set enabler to FALSE; device will become discoverable again when // this value gets set to TRUE gapRole_AdvEnabled = FALSE; } if (gapRole_state == GAPROLE_CONNECTED_ADV) { // In the Advertising Off period gapRole_state = GAPROLE_CONNECTED; } else if (gapRole_state == GAPROLE_WAITING_AFTER_TIMEOUT) { // Advertising was just turned off after the link disconnected so begin // advertising again. gapRole_AdvEnabled = TRUE; // Turn advertising back on. VOID osal_set_event( gapRole_TaskID, START_ADVERTISING_EVT ); } else { // In the Advertising Off period gapRole_state = GAPROLE_WAITING; } } } else { gapRole_state = GAPROLE_ERROR; } notify = TRUE; } break; case GAP_LINK_ESTABLISHED_EVENT: { gapEstLinkReqEvent_t *pPkt = (gapEstLinkReqEvent_t *)pMsg; if ( pPkt->hdr.status == SUCCESS ) { VOID osal_memcpy( gapRole_ConnectedDevAddr, pPkt->devAddr, B_ADDR_LEN ); gapRole_ConnectionHandle = pPkt->connectionHandle; gapRole_ConnectionInterval = pPkt->connInterval; gapRole_ConnectionLatency = pPkt->connLatency; gapRole_state = GAPROLE_CONNECTED; //LOG("connect by[%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x] handle[%d] interval[%d] latency[%d] timeout[%d]\n", // gapRole_ConnectedDevAddr[0], gapRole_ConnectedDevAddr[1], gapRole_ConnectedDevAddr[2], // gapRole_ConnectedDevAddr[3],gapRole_ConnectedDevAddr[4], gapRole_ConnectedDevAddr[5], // pPkt->connectionHandle, pPkt->connInterval,pPkt->connLatency, pPkt->connTimeout); if ( gapRole_RSSIReadRate ) { // Start the RSSI Reads VOID osal_start_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, RSSI_READ_EVT, gapRole_RSSIReadRate ); } // Store connection information gapRole_ConnInterval = pPkt->connInterval; gapRole_ConnSlaveLatency = pPkt->connLatency; gapRole_ConnTimeout = pPkt->connTimeout; // Check whether update parameter request is enabled if ( gapRole_ParamUpdateEnable == TRUE ) { // Get the minimum time upon connection establishment before the // peripheral can start a connection update procedure. uint16 timeout = GAP_GetParamValue( TGAP_CONN_PAUSE_PERIPHERAL ); osal_start_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, START_CONN_UPDATE_EVT, timeout*1000 ); } // Notify the Bond Manager to the connection VOID GAPBondMgr_LinkEst( pPkt->devAddrType, pPkt->devAddr, pPkt->connectionHandle, GAP_PROFILE_PERIPHERAL ); // Set enabler to FALSE; device will become discoverable again when // this value gets set to TRUE gapRole_AdvEnabled = FALSE; } else if ( pPkt->hdr.status == bleGAPConnNotAcceptable ) { // Set enabler to FALSE; device will become discoverable again when // this value gets set to TRUE gapRole_AdvEnabled = FALSE; // Go to WAITING state, and then start advertising gapRole_state = GAPROLE_WAITING; } else { gapRole_state = GAPROLE_ERROR; } notify = TRUE; } break; case GAP_LINK_TERMINATED_EVENT: { gapTerminateLinkEvent_t *pPkt = (gapTerminateLinkEvent_t *)pMsg; // VOID GAPBondMgr_ProcessGAPMsg( (gapEventHdr_t *)pMsg ); osal_memset( gapRole_ConnectedDevAddr, 0, B_ADDR_LEN ); // Erase connection information gapRole_ConnInterval = 0; gapRole_ConnSlaveLatency = 0; gapRole_ConnTimeout = 0; // Cancel all connection parameter update timers (if any active) VOID osal_stop_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, START_CONN_UPDATE_EVT ); VOID osal_stop_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT_EVT ); // Go to WAITING state, and then start advertising if( pPkt->reason == LL_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT_TERM ) { gapRole_state = GAPROLE_WAITING_AFTER_TIMEOUT; } else { gapRole_state = GAPROLE_WAITING; } AT_LOG("[DISC].reason %02x\n",pPkt->reason); notify = TRUE; //LOG("disconnected reason[%d]!\n", pPkt->reason); // Check if still advertising from within last connection. if ( gapRole_AdvEnabled) { // End advertising so we can restart advertising in order // to change to connectable advertising from nonconnectable. VOID GAP_EndDiscoverable( gapRole_TaskID ); } else // Turn advertising back on. { gapRole_AdvEnabled = TRUE; VOID osal_set_event( gapRole_TaskID, START_ADVERTISING_EVT); } gapRole_ConnectionHandle = INVALID_CONNHANDLE; } break; case GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT: { gapLinkUpdateEvent_t *pPkt = (gapLinkUpdateEvent_t *)pMsg; // Cancel connection param update timeout timer (if active) VOID osal_stop_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT_EVT ); if ( pPkt->hdr.status == SUCCESS ) { // Store new connection parameters gapRole_ConnInterval = pPkt->connInterval; gapRole_ConnSlaveLatency = pPkt->connLatency; gapRole_ConnTimeout = pPkt->connTimeout; // Make sure there's no pending connection update procedure if ( osal_get_timeoutEx( gapRole_TaskID, START_CONN_UPDATE_EVT ) == 0 ) { // Notify the application with the new connection parameters if ( pGapRoles_ParamUpdateCB != NULL ) { (*pGapRoles_ParamUpdateCB)( gapRole_ConnInterval, gapRole_ConnSlaveLatency, gapRole_ConnTimeout ); } } } } break; default: break; } #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE } else if( SecondAdvEnable ) { switch ( pMsg->opcode ) { case GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT: if ( statsec == SUCCESS ) { // Save off the information VOID osal_memcpy( gapRole_bdAddr, pPktsec->devAddr, B_ADDR_LEN ); gapRole_state = GAPROLE_STARTED; GapAdv_UpdateParameter(gapRole_bdAddr); VOID osal_set_event( gapRole_TaskID, START_SECOND_ADVERTISING_EVENT ); } if ( statsec != SUCCESS ) { gapRole_state = GAPROLE_ERROR; } notify = TRUE; break; case GAP_LINK_ESTABLISHED_EVENT: gapRole_state = GAPROLE_CONNECTED; g_rfPhyPktFmt = PKT_FMT_BLR125K; notify = TRUE; break; case GAP_LINK_TERMINATED_EVENT: { gapTerminateLinkEvent_t *pPkt = (gapTerminateLinkEvent_t *)pMsg; g_rfPhyPktFmt = PKT_FMT_BLR125K; // VOID GAPBondMgr_ProcessGAPMsg( (gapEventHdr_t *)pMsg ); osal_memset( gapRole_ConnectedDevAddr, 0, B_ADDR_LEN ); // Erase connection information gapRole_ConnInterval = 0; gapRole_ConnSlaveLatency = 0; gapRole_ConnTimeout = 0; // Cancel all connection parameter update timers (if any active) VOID osal_stop_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, START_CONN_UPDATE_EVT ); VOID osal_stop_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT_EVT ); // Go to WAITING state, and then start advertising if( pPkt->reason == LL_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT_TERM ) { gapRole_state = GAPROLE_WAITING_AFTER_TIMEOUT; } else { gapRole_state = GAPROLE_WAITING; } AT_LOG("[DISC].reason %02x\n",pPkt->reason); notify = TRUE; //LOG("disconnected reason[%d]!\n", pPkt->reason); // Check if still advertising from within last connection. // = FALSE , should set in GAP_END_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT , follow-up gapRole_ExtAdvEnabled = FALSE; if ( gapRole_ExtAdvEnabled) { // End advertising so we can restart advertising in order // to change to connectable advertising from nonconnectable. VOID GAP_EndDiscoverable( gapRole_TaskID ); } else // Turn advertising back on. { gapRole_ExtAdvEnabled = TRUE; VOID osal_set_event( gapRole_TaskID, START_SECOND_ADVERTISING_EVENT); } gapRole_ConnectionHandle = INVALID_CONNHANDLE; } break; case GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT: { gapLinkUpdateEvent_t *pPkt = (gapLinkUpdateEvent_t *)pMsg; // Cancel connection param update timeout timer (if active) VOID osal_stop_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT_EVT ); if ( pPkt->hdr.status == SUCCESS ) { // Store new connection parameters gapRole_ConnInterval = pPkt->connInterval; gapRole_ConnSlaveLatency = pPkt->connLatency; gapRole_ConnTimeout = pPkt->connTimeout; // Make sure there's no pending connection update procedure if ( osal_get_timeoutEx( gapRole_TaskID, START_CONN_UPDATE_EVT ) == 0 ) { // Notify the application with the new connection parameters if ( pGapRoles_ParamUpdateCB != NULL ) { (*pGapRoles_ParamUpdateCB)( gapRole_ConnInterval, gapRole_ConnSlaveLatency, gapRole_ConnTimeout ); } } } } break; default: break; } } //AT_LOG(" SecondAdvEnable notify %d,pMsg->opcode %d,gapRole_state %d\n ",notify,pMsg->opcode,gapRole_state); #endif if ( notify == TRUE ) { // Notify the application with the new state change if ( pGapRoles_AppCGs && pGapRoles_AppCGs->pfnStateChange ) { pGapRoles_AppCGs->pfnStateChange( gapRole_state ); } } } /********************************************************************* * @fn gapRole_SetupGAP * * @brief Call the GAP Device Initialization function using the * Profile Parameters. * * @param none * * @return none */ static void gapRole_SetupGAP( void ) { VOID GAP_DeviceInit( gapRole_TaskID, gapRole_profileRole, 0, gapRole_IRK, gapRole_SRK, &gapRole_signCounter ); } /********************************************************************* * @fn gapRole_HandleParamUpdateNoSuccess * * @brief Handle unsuccessful connection parameters update. * * @param none * * @return none */ static void gapRole_HandleParamUpdateNoSuccess( void ) { // See which option was choosen for unsuccessful updates switch ( paramUpdateNoSuccessOption ) { case GAPROLE_RESEND_PARAM_UPDATE: GAPRole_SendUpdateParam( gapRole_MinConnInterval, gapRole_MaxConnInterval, gapRole_SlaveLatency, gapRole_TimeoutMultiplier, GAPROLE_RESEND_PARAM_UPDATE ); break; case GAPROLE_TERMINATE_LINK: GAPRole_TerminateConnection(); break; case GAPROLE_NO_ACTION: // fall through default: //do nothing break; } } /******************************************************************** * @fn gapRole_startConnUpdate * * @brief Start the connection update procedure * * @param handleFailure - what to do if the update does not occur. * Method may choose to terminate connection, try again, or take no action * * @return none */ static void gapRole_startConnUpdate( uint8 handleFailure ) { // First check the current connection parameters versus the configured parameters if ( (gapRole_ConnInterval < gapRole_MinConnInterval) || (gapRole_ConnInterval > gapRole_MaxConnInterval) || (gapRole_ConnSlaveLatency != gapRole_SlaveLatency) || (gapRole_ConnTimeout != gapRole_TimeoutMultiplier) ) { l2capParamUpdateReq_t updateReq; uint16 timeout = GAP_GetParamValue( TGAP_CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT ); updateReq.intervalMin = gapRole_MinConnInterval; updateReq.intervalMax = gapRole_MaxConnInterval; updateReq.slaveLatency = gapRole_SlaveLatency; updateReq.timeoutMultiplier = gapRole_TimeoutMultiplier; L2CAP_ConnParamUpdateReq( gapRole_ConnectionHandle, &updateReq, gapRole_TaskID ); paramUpdateNoSuccessOption = handleFailure; // Let's wait for L2CAP Connection Parameters Update Response VOID osal_start_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT_EVT, timeout ); } } /******************************************************************** * @fn GAPRole_SendUpdateParam * * @brief Update the parameters of an existing connection * * @param minConnInterval - the new min connection interval * @param maxConnInterval - the new max connection interval * @param latency - the new slave latency * @param connTimeout - the new timeout value * @param handleFailure - what to do if the update does not occur. * Method may choose to terminate connection, try again, or take no action * * @return SUCCESS, bleNotConnected, or bleInvalidRange */ bStatus_t GAPRole_SendUpdateParam( uint16 minConnInterval, uint16 maxConnInterval, uint16 latency, uint16 connTimeout, uint8 handleFailure ) { // If there is no existing connection no update need be sent if ( gapRole_state != GAPROLE_CONNECTED ) { return ( bleNotConnected ); } // Check that all parameters are in range before sending request if ( ( minConnInterval >= DEFAULT_MIN_CONN_INTERVAL ) && ( minConnInterval < DEFAULT_MAX_CONN_INTERVAL ) && ( maxConnInterval >= DEFAULT_MIN_CONN_INTERVAL ) && ( maxConnInterval < DEFAULT_MAX_CONN_INTERVAL ) && ( latency < MAX_SLAVE_LATENCY ) && ( connTimeout >= MIN_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER ) && ( connTimeout < MAX_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER ) ) { gapRole_MinConnInterval = minConnInterval; gapRole_MaxConnInterval = maxConnInterval; gapRole_SlaveLatency = latency; gapRole_TimeoutMultiplier = connTimeout; // Start connection update procedure gapRole_startConnUpdate( handleFailure ); // Connection update requested by app, cancel such pending procedure (if active) VOID osal_stop_timerEx( gapRole_TaskID, START_CONN_UPDATE_EVT ); return ( SUCCESS ); } return ( bleInvalidRange ); } #ifdef EXT_ADV_ENABLE // exdended advertising bStatus_t GapAdv_create(pfnGapCB_t *cb, Gap_ExtAdv_Param *advParam,uint8 *advHandle) { return(HCI_LE_SetExtAdvParamCmd(advParam)); } bStatus_t GapAdv_loadByHandle(uint8 handle, GapAdv_dataTypes_t dataType,uint16 len, uint8 *pBuf) { switch (dataType) { case GAP_ADV_DATA_TYPE_ADV: HCI_LE_SetExtAdvDataCmd(handle,len,pBuf); break; case GAP_ADV_DATA_TYPE_SCAN_RSP: HCI_LE_SetExtScanRspDataCmd(handle,len,pBuf); break; default: break; } return HCI_SUCCESS; } bStatus_t GapAdv_setEventMask(uint8 handle, GapAdv_eventMaskFlags_t mask) { return HCI_SUCCESS; } bStatus_t GapAdv_enable(uint8 handle, GapAdv_enableOptions_t enableOptions, uint16 durationOrMaxEvents) { Gap_ExtAdv_EnableParam param; param.Enable = TRUE; param.AdvHandle = handle; switch (enableOptions) { case GAP_ADV_ENABLE_OPTIONS_USE_MAX: param.Duration = enableOptions; param.MaxExtAdv_Events = durationOrMaxEvents; break; case GAP_ADV_ENABLE_OPTIONS_USE_DURATION: break; case GAP_ADV_ENABLE_OPTIONS_USE_MAX_EVENTS: break; default: break; } HCI_LE_SetExtAdvEnableCmd(¶m); return HCI_SUCCESS; } #endif /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/