/************************************************************************************************** Phyplus Microelectronics Limited confidential and proprietary. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT: All rights of this software belong to Phyplus Microelectronics Limited ("Phyplus"). Your use of this Software is limited to those specific rights granted under the terms of the business contract, the confidential agreement, the non-disclosure agreement and any other forms of agreements as a customer or a partner of Phyplus. You may not use this Software unless you agree to abide by the terms of these agreements. You acknowledge that the Software may not be modified, copied, distributed or disclosed unless embedded on a Phyplus Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) integrated circuit, either as a product or is integrated into your products. Other than for the aforementioned purposes, you may not use, reproduce, copy, prepare derivative works of, modify, distribute, perform, display or sell this Software and/or its documentation for any purposes. YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL PHYPLUS OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES BE LIABLE OR OBLIGATED UNDER CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, CONTRIBUTION, BREACH OF WARRANTY, OR OTHER LEGAL EQUITABLE THEORY ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR EXPENSES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS OR LOST DATA, COST OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS, TECHNOLOGY, SERVICES, OR ANY CLAIMS BY THIRD PARTIES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY DEFENSE THEREOF), OR OTHER SIMILAR COSTS. **************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************** Filename: gapgattserver.h Revised: Revision: Description: This file contains GAP GATT attribute definitions and prototypes. **************************************************************************************************/ #ifndef GAPGATTSERVER_H #define GAPGATTSERVER_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /********************************************************************* * INCLUDES */ /********************************************************************* * CONSTANTS */ #define GAP_DEVICE_NAME_LEN (20+1) // Privacy Flag States #define GAP_PRIVACY_DISABLED 0x00 #define GAP_PRIVACY_ENABLED 0x01 // GAP GATT Server Parameters #define GGS_DEVICE_NAME_ATT 0 // RW uint8[GAP_DEVICE_NAME_LEN] #define GGS_APPEARANCE_ATT 1 // RW uint16 #define GGS_PERI_PRIVACY_FLAG_ATT 2 // RW uint8 #define GGS_RECONNCT_ADDR_ATT 3 // RW uint8[B_ADDR_LEN] #define GGS_PERI_CONN_PARAM_ATT 4 // RW sizeof(gapPeriConnectParams_t) #define GGS_PERI_PRIVACY_FLAG_PROPS 5 // RW uint8 #define GGS_W_PERMIT_DEVICE_NAME_ATT 6 // W uint8 #define GGS_W_PERMIT_APPEARANCE_ATT 7 // W uint8 #define GGS_W_PERMIT_PRIVACY_FLAG_ATT 8 // W uint8 // GAP Services bit fields #define GAP_SERVICE 0x00000001 // Attribute ID used with application's callback when attribute value is changed OTA #define GGS_DEVICE_NAME_ID 0 #define GGS_APPEARANCE_ID 1 #if defined ( TESTMODES ) // GGS TestModes #define GGS_TESTMODE_OFF 0 // No Test mode #define GGS_TESTMODE_W_PERMIT_DEVICE_NAME 1 // Make Device Name attribute writable #define GGS_TESTMODE_W_PERMIT_APPEARANCE 2 // Make Appearance attribute writable #define GGS_TESTMODE_W_PERMIT_PRIVACY_FLAG 3 // Make Peripheral Privacy Flag attribute writable with authentication #endif // TESTMODES /********************************************************************* * TYPEDEFS */ // Callback to notify when attribute value is changed over the air. typedef void (*ggsAttrValueChange_t)( uint8 attrId ); // GAP GATT Server callback structure typedef struct { ggsAttrValueChange_t pfnAttrValueChange; // When attribute value is changed OTA } ggsAppCBs_t; /********************************************************************* * MACROS */ /********************************************************************* * Profile Callbacks */ /********************************************************************* * API FUNCTIONS */ /** * @brief Set a GAP GATT Server parameter. * * @param param - Profile parameter ID
* @param len - length of data to right * @param value - pointer to data to write. This is dependent on * the parameter ID and WILL be cast to the appropriate * data type (example: data type of uint16 will be cast to * uint16 pointer).
* * @return bStatus_t */ extern bStatus_t GGS_SetParameter( uint8 param, uint8 len, void *value ); /** * @brief Get a GAP GATT Server parameter. * * @param param - Profile parameter ID
* @param value - pointer to data to put. This is dependent on * the parameter ID and WILL be cast to the appropriate * data type (example: data type of uint16 will be cast to * uint16 pointer).
* * @return bStatus_t */ extern bStatus_t GGS_GetParameter( uint8 param, void *value ); /** * @brief Add function for the GAP GATT Service. * * @param services - services to add. This is a bit map and can * contain more than one service. * * @return SUCCESS: Service added successfully.
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid service field.
* FAILURE: Not enough attribute handles available.
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.
*/ extern bStatus_t GGS_AddService( uint32 services ); /** * @brief Delete function for the GAP GATT Service. * * @param services - services to delete. This is a bit map and can * contain more than one service. * * @return SUCCESS: Service deleted successfully.
* FAILURE: Service not found.
*/ extern bStatus_t GGS_DelService( uint32 services ); /** * @brief Registers the application callback function. * * Note: Callback registration is needed only when the * Device Name is made writable. The application * will be notified when the Device Name is changed * over the air. * * @param appCallbacks - pointer to application callbacks. * * @return none */ extern void GGS_RegisterAppCBs( ggsAppCBs_t *appCallbacks ); /** * @brief Set a GGS Parameter value. Use this function to change * the default GGS parameter values. * * @param value - new GGS param value * * @return void */ extern void GGS_SetParamValue( uint16 value ); /** * @brief Get a GGS Parameter value. * * @param none * * @return GGS Parameter value */ extern uint16 GGS_GetParamValue( void ); /********************************************************************* * TASK FUNCTIONS - Don't call these. These are system functions. */ /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* GAPGATTSERVER_H */